Backorder Feature Prerequisites
Must have the On.Care AP Automation Invoicing Module in Addition to the Procurement Module
Even though It is not a prerequisite, facilities that have configured:
Budgets for the categories of the PO that has backordered items
Delivery schedules for the vendor that PO was sent to,
Go to Invoice\Open POs
Click on the Half Moon Icon next to an Open PO that you would like to Backorder
As in the past, authorized users (anyone that has access to the AP Automation platform) have the option to Zero Selected Item Quantities
Authorized users now also have a new menu option on the lower left to Backorder Selected Items and Zero Out the Rest
When selecting “Backorder Selected Items and Zero Out the Rest”:
ii. Scenario 1: Original PO Partially Invoiced (Reconciled Status = “Reconciled with a backorder”)
As long as there are no invoices pending approval or rejection for that PO within On.Care, you can select which un-invoiced items you want to backorder
After clicking on “Adjust PO” all selected items will be put on a new PO that retains the original PO Number but appends a -01, etc… at the end of the PO Number and defaults to a new future delivery date
The default future PO Delivery Date for the new PO depends on the following settings for that facility:
If there is a category + facility budget and a facility + vendor schedule populated, it will default to the first delivery day of the facility + vendor schedule from the next budget period. Users can override this and choose any future delivery date, as long as it is a valid date from the facility + vendor delivery schedule.
If there is a Category + Facility Budget Period setup but no facility + vendor schedule, it will default to the first date of the next budget period. Users can override this and choose any future delivery date.
If there is no Category + Facility Budget Period setup but there is a facility + vendor schedule populated, then the delivery date defaults to today and the customer can override the default to any valid future delivery date assigned to that facility + vendor.
If there is no category + facility budget and no delivery schedule setup for that vendor + facility, users can choose any future delivery date.
All items not selected for backorder will have their quantities updated to zero and moved to the backordered PO. There is a chance we are going to change this so that the zeroed items stay on the original PO.