In addition, we will be holding a showcase webinar this week, on 5/18 the invite will be sent out shortly and it would be great for you to join us!
Multi-Category Items
We have implemented the ability for an item to belong to multiple categories at the same time.
This exists as Default and Alternative categories. This will allow users to for instance, create one product for gloves that can be used across all categories that it would be needed.
We have also implemented the ability to update any category easily from the search product screens.
Multi Facility Order Guides
We have implemented the ability to have a single order guide assigned to multiple facilities.
Order guides can be used with only one facility or can now be used with multiple facilities
Edit product within an order is now a popup modal that will stay within the same page
Implement Order validation to prevent duplicates:
In specific scenarios where an order was generated on the Desktop and approved on the web, there was a possibility of a duplicate order being generated, this has been resolved with a validation to remove the duplicate if it occurs, prior to sending the order.
Alternate delivery date and Delivery date tooltip
we have added a secondary delivery date option that can be used as a fallback on the PO.
We have also added a tooltip when looking at the delivery date that explains it is only a requested delivery date, to make sure all users understand that this is not final and the vendor has the final control over delivery date.
Added Reload order guide and Snapshots to new order UI
We have readded the ability to reload an order guide to an existing order to the new order UI
We have also readded the ability to use screenshots for an existing order to the new order UI
Add ability to toggle auto save
We have added the ability to disable auto save within an order in the new UI
Added Formulary Attribute
we have added the ability to have an item marked as formulary.
This will display in an order to indicate if an item is formulary or not
We have added a filter for formulary items
Markup Functionality:
Category level Markup
you can now set up a markup percentage on the category level, which will apply to all items that are associated with this product
Full Markup functionality is available in the new order UI
Budget and Census
Add on census option - We have added the ability to have a custom add on to your census that can be applied to specific budgets. This can be used to have a higher census/budget for specific categories that you are purchasing for.
Implementing Update Style Guide
implemented new style guide for Navigation bar and user settings
User Management/User Rights
Added a right to block a user from sending an order when it is over budget. This can be set on a user level, and will not allow the order to be sent for approval when the order is over budget.
Search Order
Add ability to filter by manager/who order needs approval from
Workflow management: Name of workflow is now clickable
Secondary Job Title added
This will be used in our upcoming invoice approvals overhaul