In addition, we will be holding a showcase webinar next week, 5/11, the invite will be sent out shortly and it would be great for you to join us!
Implementation of true departments. Departments will now exist above top level categories, existing as cost centers and rights manager for categories.
Departments - implemented the new concept of departments for all customers, will not be visible until departments are created.
Department management screen
Department rights
GL coding overhaul for purchasing process.
We have overhauled the way in which GL codes work within the ordering process. We have leveraged the existing invoice Business logic to the purchasing process (waterfall assignment methodology and more). GL codes can now be used as a driving force behind budget, item management, category management, and are fully implemented within the order.
Implementation of category level GL codes
Implementation of vendor defaults.
implementation of waterfall logic for assigning GL codes to items
enhancements to order screen, including filters, sorting, column changes.
Creation of GL groups to associate multiple GLs with a single item. The concept of a GL group is now available, allowing for more flexibility and control over GL assignment for items and orders.
Implement support for GL groups in order and CAP
Implementation of GL code-based budgets
We have implemented a new way to maintain budgets, this is through GL codes and GL groups. You can use budgets for single GL codes in addition to groups of GL codes sharing a total budget.
This includes the creation of GL Budget groups.
add ability to toggle between category to GL when transitioning to GL codes
New ways to create orders
Order creation from Upload - users can now upload a spreadsheet to create an order. All you need is the itemID and a quantity!
Order creation from search - users can now create an order from the search product screens, this includes singular items and multi items.
single item
multi item
Category management enhancement
reparenting through drag and drop is now available.
You can now easily deactivate any category from the catalog/category management.
New tab to show all products currently associated with the category.
Search order
Add totals column
Add order name column
Vendor management
add record of last price upload on vendor screen
Order guide
add additional copy order guide button in search order guide screen
Workflow management
fill screen fully and remove scrolling from the page.
Search products
add bulk activate for custom and deleted items - users
add vendor itemId to search
Order screen
We have made the following improvements to the new order UI
Enhanced search within orders (more closely mirrors the DT)
provide option to clone orders and change the following attributes: Category, facility, department
validation to ensure that the delivery date is not able to be in the past
Allow for user to override vendor deliver days (user right)
Sparkline date custom adjustment
Fix to character cap preventing full tax percent being input
Standing orders
add support for department
User Management - needs to be enabled
Complete overhaul of UI to update version
addition of department rights tab
additional rights corresponding to new features such as department page rights, GL groups.
Updated Logo
Account Config Moved under management dropdown