This release includes some new features as well as some bug fixes and tweaks to the platform. Below you will find a list of the standout features, fixes, and changes.
We have added the ability to edit and modify the dashboard to your liking!
Users can now adjust the order, add and remove tiles from the homescreen to configure a version that works best for them!
In addition we have added a new tile for Invoice Inbox
this tile will bring you right to the invoice inbox to allow you to see any PDF or TIM invoice that might be pending.
User Rights
Added a new user right to disable Punchout category validations
This right will disable the validations that trigger for punchout items that are not categorized to the third level category. If this is unchecked, we will validate punchout items.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue with loading product history for items with large amounts of data.
Fixed an issue with order guides loading when there was a significant number of order guides (over 400).
Fixed an issue with TIM invoice documents not attaching to the invoices.
Fixed a few issues with data displayed in the consolidated confirmations.
Fixed issues with GL groups under certain circumstances.
Customer CAP not returning expected data under certain circumstances.
Fixed issues with Intacct API.
Fixed issues with Budget type.