Pending Approval
The pending approval page houses all of your incoming invoices that are pending approval. There are two main sections or columns on this page; Purchase order and Invoice. each section contains their related information.
Invoices that come into this page will get matched to its corresponding PO by our system. The system will run a line by line check and make sure all information is matching. Any discrepancies will get highlighted accordingly, along with its corresponding status icon.
Status icons
The pending approval page uses row color to indicate the status of the pending invoice.
Green: indicates that the PO’s items and the invoices items have been successfully matched.
Light Yellow/cream: indicates that the PO and invoice were matched WITH discrepancies.
light red: Indicated an error, or that there is no PO to match the invoice with. This is common for orders that were placed off system.
In relation to the highlighted rows in color, you will also find icons under the status column that will indicate the meaning of those colors. If you hover your mouse over the icons, it will read a message.
Here are the remaining icons under the status column:
GL code completion status. This will tell you whether all line items have been successfully GL coded
Receiving status. This icon is used to indicate whether a shipment per invoice has been received. This icon is red by default. NOTE: This is not an automatic process, nor is it accurate. system does not determine whether a shipment has been received. This is the responsibility of the customers receiving department .
Invoice Details
once you are done inspecting an invoice, there are a few options available to you at the bottom of the invoice detail page under the “Actions” button.
Approve - this will approve the invoice and send it over to the “Batch” page where invoices are batched and turned into import files.
Reject - this will reject the invoice. The invoice will than move from the pending page to the search PO page where all of your PO’s can be found.
Reprocess - This will process your invoice again. This is used if you have changed or added a GL code to a line item.
Clicking on the info icon next to “Amount” in the top right corner will open up a pop-up window containing line by line GL code explanations.