This will take you to a new tab to create your standing order and prompt you to fill out all the necessary fields. Be sure to do this in each tab;
Standing Order
Schedule-double click your desired day of order placement to complete the recurring schedule.
Details- here is where you will add your actual products and quantities. You’ll notice this screen looks like your regular ordering screen.
Hit the save button on top once all your items are in the standing order. You will then be directed to the standing order screen where you can click “create order.”
If you set up your standing order sent for approval like regular orders then your order will then appear like a typical pending order on the day you set it up to be placed. It will be titled a standing order that way you can tell it apart from the others.
If you did not set it up to be sent for approval but rather to go straight to the vendor, you will still get an email confirmation confirming it went through on that day.