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Vendor Product Rules allow for a vendor to discontinue, block, and replace an item within a customers system. Please follow the below steps to create a new product rule!  


  1. You can now block a customer from purchasing a specific item. If you don’t select an end date it will block it indefinitely as long as the rule is active


  1. You can show the replacement item for items that are out of stock or no longer available



Step 1:


Step 2: Create a Rule. Global is for All customers/All facilities



Step 3: If you didn’t select an end date, you can cancel the rule by deactivating it



Tip: If the rule is just for a specific customer, you can only apply it to ALL facilities or to 1 facility. If you want to block an item for 2 facilities from the same customer you need to make Two rulesThis article will walk you through the use of vendor product rules within the vendor portal.

Vendor product rules gives you the option to make adjustments to the availability of an item to your customers, there are two main features of VPR.

  • First you can block or discontinue an item. This will prevent the user from purchasing this item entirely, they will not be able to send an order out with this item on it.

  • Second you can provide a replacements. Replacements will allow the “to be replaced item” to still exist and be ordered, but will provide the alternatives you select when validating. (Please note, the replacement is shown to the customer at the time of validation, but it is not forced selection. The customer has the option to opt for a different substitute if they so choose.)

This can all be done for set timeframes (or permanently) as well as for all customers or only specific ones.

Creating/Editing Rules

Login into the vendor portal as you would normally. From here navigate to the “Products” drop down in the menu bar. From there, click on the “Rules” option to access the Vendor Product Rules.


On the initial Vendor Product Rules screen, you will be shown all previously created rules (active and inactive) as well as have the option to filter these based on your desired goals. This screen is also where you create new rules for your customers.

Click on the blue “Add New Rule” button in the top right of the screen to begin the new rule process.


You will be brought to the new product rule details page to fill in information pertinent to the rule.

  • Description: This is for your purposes, you can input a description of what the rule entails so at a glance you can see what it does.

  • Type of rule:

    • The first type of rule is a blocked item, this will prevent a user from ordering said item for the set date range. The item will show on their side as discontinued and offer to search the catalog for a replacement.

    • The second type is a replacement, this will allow you to substitute one item for another. You chose the item that will be replaced and the item that is replacing it.

  • Start and End date: This will allow you to set a date range for when this rule will be active. It could be finite or permanent depending on the scenario. If permanent, leave the end date blank and only fill in the start date.

  • Global Toggle: This indicates whether you want the rule to apply to every customer that uses your services within On.Care or if it should only apply to a select few. If you enable this it will affect all customers, if not on the next screen you can choose which customers you want this to affect.

When you finish making a rule, click save.


The final screen for creating a rule is where you set the specific details of the rule.

  1. The first column is Item Id to replace. This is where you choose the item that you are replacing or blocking.

    1. If you are blocking an item without a replacement this is the only column that you will need to populate.

    2. Insert the vendoritemID into the first column. Again this is the item that you are blocking/replacing in the customer’s system.

  2. The catalog search will popup where applicable if you do not know the vendoritemId off hand.

  3. If you are replacing said item, you can populate the substituted item into the second column “Replacement Item ID”.

    1. Please note, the replacement is shown to the customer at the time of validation, but it is not forced selection. The customer has the option to opt for a different substitute if they so choose.

  4. Once you have setup the initial item you can click the red save button under the actions column. If you would like to add another item to this rule, click “add replacement item” and repeat the above steps.

  5. Below the item fields is the customer field.

    1. If this rule is a global rule, you can leave this area blank as it applies to all customers.

    2. If this is NOT a global rule, you will need to input the customers and facilities affected.

    3. Find the customer’s name in the first column and select the one applicable. From here you can choose if it affects all facilities in that group or only select few. Choose the appropriate ones.

    4. When finished you can save this as well using the red save button under the actions column.

    5. If you would like to add another customer, please click “add new facility” and repeat the above steps.

  6. Once you have completed all the above steps, you are all set! Y

  7. If you have completed a valid rule you will see the notice on the top left, otherwise it will say invalid rule. If the rule is valid and all settings are as intended, you can click back to return to the previous rules list screen.



Please remember, this directly affects a customer’s ordering and item selection, so please use caution when creating these rules.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to customer support at anytime. or 914 219 0027


On.Care Support.