See the previous document on “Creating an Order in On.Care” prior to this.
Facility User Creating an Order and Sending Order for Approval
Please note, features in this document may be rights-based. Therefore if you see options here that are not available in your login it may be because you don't have rights to that option.
Customizing your Order Screen Settings
A standing order is an order that creates itself automatically on a schedule. This is great for milk, and bread orders. You can To create a standing order by finding order from an existing order you could click on the clock icon on the top right corner of your screen.
You can also create a standing order from your home screen within On.Care by going to the order drop-down on top of your screen and clicking “standing order.” You can search for an existing standing order as well as add a new one from here.
As you can see, this will break down your spending on this order and show you where you are holding for the month as well as how much room is left in the budget. You can see this in a PPD budget as well.
Reviewing an Order
Once you are in the order you can drill down within each category to see the items requested and the qty entered. You can change the qty by just keying in the new qty in place of the old.
The icons on the left of the products are helpful tools to see product details.
Item History-offers you a brief but specific history
Product History-has more filter options and price history
Add to Order Guide-if you added something to the order that was not in the order guide you can add it in from the order itself. This is rights-based.
Delete-you can delete the item from the order by clicking the garbage can
Spark Lines
This is a great feature for easy access to your history of a product. This is rights-based. This is also customer based. Sparklines won't be available unless activated for the entire customer group.
You can find the sparkline on the right side of your item in your order. when you hover over it, a grid with the history will pop up.
If you would like to see what the color means, click on the key tab in the taskbar at the right of your screen.
For those users with access, the following features are great for when you want to quickly find and add an item.
By submitting your order you will be redirected back to On.Care where your order has automatically been created and you can review and submit like any other order.
Punchout fPunchout is also accessible from the main screen by going to the order Order tab and in the drop-down clicking “order from vendor website.” You can follow the same steps as listed above.
The catalog feature is compiled of a list of all products vendors offer, this applies only to the vendors that are integrated with catalogs. You can shop from the catalog one of two ways;
You can click the shopping cart with the plus sign in the taskbar at on the right side of your screen.
Or you can access from the main purchasing screen in the order drop-down by clicking “shop from vendor catalog.”