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PO Managment.mp4

Search for a purchase order by Order number or PO number

To find a specific order you can choose to search by PO or Order Number.

The Purchase Order number is a unique order number that On.Care creates to send to the vendor whereas Order Number is an internal number created for each order.

Order numbers can be found 1 of 2 ways;

From your main On.Care Screen by your pending orders.

They can also be found within the order itself on the top left of the screen

PO’s can be found from within the order itself by going into the “Purchase Order” tab on the top of your order screen. PO # can be found in the PO # column.

Searching for your Order

To search for an order by Order or PO number you can use the search bar on the top of your screen in your On.Care home screen and it will bring your right up to that specific order. The same can be done with PO #'s.

Broad PO Search

To find an order from a particular vendor and/or in a specific time frame you can use the search PO feature in the order dropdown from your home screen.

This will direct you to a new tab and ask you to fill out your desired fields.

You can choose to filter by Department, Facility/Property, Date, Vendor, Behalf Of…etc

Once you have your info filled out, you can hit the search button and your results will appear.

You can also choose to see just the PO’s sent today by going to the search today's POs option. This will show you all the orders placed on that specific day only.

How to Re-Email a PO

Once you pull up your specific order, you can re-email it by clicking the envelope icon on that specific order.

PO Issues

You can also go into the last icon and re-send from there.

By clicking this icon, you will be redirected to a new tab that looks like this.

From this screen, you are able to post your PO and re-email if need be. Posting a Po will send an electronic version of the PO. This is only possible if the vendor of the PO is integrated.

Also, if there was an issue with your order the error will appear on the bottom (e.x. below)

To see more info about how to handle failed deliveries navigate to this manual.

PO and Order status screens

Printing one or multiple PO’s

You can print many PO’s at the same time by checking of the orders you would like printed.

Once selected, hit the print button on top of your screen. The print button is located to the right of the search button.


Please note, this feature is mostly used for invoicing. It is only available if you have contracted for the invoice module.

This feature enables you to track shipments and confirm that you have received all goods that were ordered and billed. To get to the receiving tab, click the following icon;

You will then be directed to a new tab that looks like this;

From this screen, you are able to;

  • Upload a packing slip or similar document to keep with the order by clicking the “upload file” icon.

  • You can name the receipt by typing in the name field, you can also enclose a note to the receipts if you’d like.

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  • On the line items in the receipt, you’ll notice a truck, this will be updated based on quantities received or not received.

Green means fully received

Orange means partially received

And red means not received at all

This feature also connects to the invoicing screens, therefore, AP knows what the order status is.