Approving Invoices Using Pending Invoices

Approving Invoices Using Pending Invoices

Procurement Partners makes the invoice approval process easy with the pending invoices queue. The queue allows you to see all unapproved invoices in one place and to easily identify issues with those invoices. It also makes it simple to quickly approve all invoices that have no outstanding issues with only a few clicks.  

Once approved, invoices can be added to and exported as batches.  

This article will cover how to approve those invoices that require no further action and how to identify what action may be needed for issues requiring review. 

Approving Invoices That Require No Further Review 

To view all invoices requiring approval, you can open the “Pending Approval” queue from the Invoice drop-down. 

This will show all of the invoices still requiring approval before they can be added to an export batch. Invoices will appear in three statuses: 

  • Green highlighted invoices are invoices that are matched with no mismatches between the quantities and prices on the purchase order and the invoice.  

  • Yellow highlighted invoices are matched to a purchase order, but there are mismatches between the items invoiced and ordered, the quantity invoiced and the amount ordered, or between the prices on the purchase order and the invoice.  

  • Red highlighted invoices are not matched to a Purchase Order. They may be invoice-only or they may need to be manually matched to a purchase order.

  • If you think that matched invoices are good to go, you can bulk approve these invoices by first filtering the Status filter to “Matched”. 

  • Click the checkbox at the top of the left-most column, then click “Bulk Actions” and select “Approve Selected”. These approved invoices will be available for assignment into batches (covered in a separate article). You can combine the Status filter with other filters to approve invoices in bulk for specific vendors or for specific facilities as well.  


NOTE: GL codes are usually assigned for matched invoices; however, even though these invoices appear matched, you may want to review them because the auto-assigned GL code may not be appropriate for that invoice. 

  • Once you have processed invoices that require no intervention, you can correct any remaining issues. The icons on the right side of the screen will show you what may need to be reviewed.  

Reviewing Invoices With Issues 

  • Mismatches between item, quantity, and price between the purchase order and the invoice will be indicated by the yellow triangle. Hovering over that icon will show what issues the invoice may have. 

  • Invoices that don’t match a purchase order will be in red and will have an X on the right side of the screen. 

  • The truck icon indicates whether the order was marked as received. This is a manual process that requires input from your users. If you are not requiring this process, the truck icon will always be red. 

  • To make changes or request credits, you will need to view the invoice by clicking on the “Eye” icon on the left side of the screen. 

  • Once inside the invoice, you will see the items from the purchase order on the left, and the items from the invoice on the right. Unmatched items will appear as blanks on the left. 

  • If the entire invoice is unmatched, you can search for a corresponding purchase order number in the upper left. Further information on this process can be found in this article.


  • If there is a line-level mismatch between price or quantity, you can click the checkbox next to the items that need to be addressed, then click the “Adjustments” menu at the bottom of the screen. Here you can adjust the quantity, price, or vendor item ID to match the invoice.  

  • The other option, “Adjust Addons” will add the tax and other ancillary costs to the purchase order so the total cost on both sides matches.  

  • If there is anything that requires correction by the vendor, you can create a Credit Request. This is a request you can send to a vendor representative to request an adjustment to the invoice. 

NOTE: This is just a request, and vendors may have different processes for actually requesting these credits and changes. Make sure you follow the proper process required by the vendor to ensure you get the credit you need. 

  • Once you click the “Create Credit Request” button, you can check the boxes next to the items you want to request credit for and change the credit reason, quantity requested, or price expected. 


  • On the left side of the screen is a tab marked “Invoice Notes”. You can click on this to add notes to the Invoice to indicate any further action that needs to be taken before the invoice can be approved. 

  • Once ready for approval, you can click the “Actions” button and select the “Approve” option. An approved invoice can be added to a batch; rejecting an invoice will maintain the invoice record in Procurement Partners but the invoice will not be able to be added to a batch. 

  • You can also approve items from the Pending Invoices list by clicking on the green checkmark or reject by clicking the red “x” in the left-hand column. 


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