Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


To Fix:If your account has the appropriate user rights to do so, you can click the “Approve All” button to approve the price updates and submit the order. If you click approve and the price does not update, this means your account does not have the proper privileges to update the price; contact your purchasing director for assistance.

After approving the price updates, you can submit the order by clicking the Send button again.


Invalid Product Number Format: This can occur if a vendor is configured to not allow item or product numbers of a specific format.

To Fix: Adjust the item number to remove any disallowed characters.


image-20241203-205438.pngImage Added

Note: Not all vendors have the same restrictions. For example, the vendor Duso Foods does not allow any non-numerical characters (only 0-9 are allowed in an item number).