Validation Errors

Validation Errors




When attempting to submit an order to the vendor, you may receive validation errors during the checkout process. Below are a few common validation errors, and how to correct them:


GL Code / Category Validation Error: This can occur for one of two reasons: either the category for your item is incorrect (not set to a low enough subcategory), or you did not select a GL code for your item.

To fix: If you need to adjust the category for your item, you can use the dropdown in the “attention” prompt to do so, or you can check out our guide on updating Product Categories. If you need to select a GL code, choose the appropriate GL code in the dropdown.

In either case, if you are unsure of what to select or if the appropriate category or GL code is not visible for you, contact your purchasing director for assistance.


Unit of Measure Validation Error (Incorrect Package Size): This can occur when the unit of measure in the Procurement system’s catalog does not match the unit of measure that the vendor utilizes. For example, they may use CS instead of CA to represent the package type “Case”.

To fix: Normally there will be a dropdown in which you can choose the appropriate unit of measure for the item. If this dropdown is not available, or if the proper unit of measurement is not available in the dropdown, reach out to your purchasing director to correct the item’s details in the Procurement system.



Price Validation Error: This can occur if there is a discrepancy between the Procurement catalog price of an item and the price provided by the vendor.

To Fix: If your account has the appropriate user rights to do so, you can click the “Approve All” button to approve the price updates. If you click approve and the price does not update, this means your account does not have the proper privileges to update the price; contact your purchasing director for assistance.

After approving the price updates, you can submit the order by clicking the Send button again.



Invalid Product Number Format: This can occur if a vendor is configured to not allow item or product numbers of a specific format.

To Fix: Adjust the item number to remove any disallowed characters.



Note: Not all vendors have the same restrictions. For example, the vendor Duso Foods does not allow any non-numerical characters (only 0-9 are allowed in an item number).

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