This document will go over how you can update and maintain your census in On.Care. Census can be manually updated, updated through an upload, or auto updated depending on how your company operates.
In order to access the census, go to the management dropdown in the navigation bar, then select the census option from the list.
Once on the census screen you will notice a few fields that you can access and adjust.
This initial filter is for selecting a specific facility. If you would like to find a singular facility, do so in this filter.
The second filter is for adjusting the week that you are editing. You can adjust previous and future census weeks.
Finally, the year filter will allow you to change the year that you are editing.
The census column is where you will input the actual facility census.
The bottom of the screen is where you have the option for automatic updates. The first checkbox is for updating the census week over week. If checked, we will update your census for the upcoming week every Sunday, using a weekly rolling average. The second option is for automatically calculating the PPD based on the rolling census that automatically updates. We recommend enabling both of these options for ease of use.
An alternative to the manual or automatic update options for the census, On.Care has an option for uploading your census via excel sheet. If you would like to do this, click on the upload tab that is at the top of the screen.
Use the template provided to populate your spreadsheet, from here you will need to browse for the file and select it from your computer.
Please note that if you have headers already, check off the “First row has headers” option.
Once selected, hit next to continue the upload.
On the final page, You can map the columns to the correct field (indicated by red arrows), making any adjustments necessary.
Once everything is correctly mapped, hit upload and you are all set!
If you have any question not covered by this document, please feel free to reach out to customer support at any time.
917 219 0027 or
On.Care Support.