This document will go over how you can update and maintain your products in On.Care.
To access the product screens use the catalog dropdown in the navigation bar. From here, if you are adding a brand new product, click “add new product” otherwise you can use one of the other 3 options to search for the product you would like to edit.
We will cover adding new products first.
First, make sure that you have all information necessary for the product you are creating.
Inputs needed:
the detailed name of the time.
Description if necessary.
Category this item will be a part of.
Please note, there are several item options that can be enabled through the checkboxes on the bottom of the screen. each is self explanatory. Once finished click, “add product”.
Once the item is created, you will need to add pricing and vendor information.
Select the vendor that you will add pricing for.
The vendoritemID
The price of the item.
Manufacturer or brand info.
Once all vendor and price information is added to the system, you can go ahead and click “add product” and you will be all set. This product is ready to use.
Editing a product uses the same screens.
You can update any information about the product that you might need to change. The status of the item will indicate if it is available or not.
If you would like to edit the pricing information or input pricing information from a new vendor you can do so on the Prices tab.
To edit, click on the pencil icon, to delete hit the trash can. You can also set Min and max thresholds for the item on this page.
hit “add additional price” to add a new vendor and price for this product, and if you would like to clone the time in its entirety, go ahead and hit the clone button on the bottom.
Once an item exists you can choose to exclude/default to it from a specific facility or vendor.
Excluding an item would prevent the item from being purchased in that facility or from that vendor in a specific facility.
Inclusion rules are to set up a particular vendor to be used in a specific facility. For instance, if it is a regional vendor you can create an inclusion rule for that item from that vendor in the facility.
Make sure to save any changes you make and you are all set!
If you have any questions not covered by this document, please feel free to reach out to customer support at any time.
914 219 0027 or
On.Care Support.