SimpleAP Invoice (previously referred to as Total Invoice Manager / TIM) is a powerful Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tool that will allow you to upload invoices and have data automatically read and populated to make submitting offline invoices through Procurement Partners a breeze.
NOTE: The SimpleAP tool is a premium service that may not be available for all organizations. If you want to know more, please have your corporate team reach out to your organization’s Account Manager.
Using sophisticated technology, it is possible to upload invoices and have the fields within automatically scanned and read without the need for a template. While this process is still under construction, it will provide you a method of entering invoices efficiently and easily.
To begin, log into Procurement Partners and click on Invoice -> SimpleAP Invoice.
To start a new invoice upload, click the Upload Invoice button.
You will see the Upload File screen; you can click the Upload File box to navigate to your PDF invoice, or you can drag and drop the file into the box.
The next screen will show a preview of the uploaded invoice on the right, and a prompt on the left asking if the document contains one invoice or multiple. Single Invoice is selected by default; if the uploaded file is just one invoice, even if the invoice is multiple pages long, leave Single Invoice selected and click the Upload Invoice button.
If the uploaded file contains multiple invoices, click the Multiple Invoices checkbox. Enter the total number of invoices in the file, then indicate the number of pages for each included invoice. Once you have done so, click the Upload Invoice button.
When the invoice finishes processing you will receive a confirmation prompt. Click OK. This will allow you to review the invoice details. The captured data will appear on the left, and a preview of the uploaded file will appear on the right.
Verify the details of the invoice that have been captured by SimpleAP Invoice. Optional selections and fields are defined below:
PO#: Purchase Order number associated to the invoice
Description: A brief description of the invoice
Note: Additional notes about the invoice
Global GL Code: Selecting a GL code here will apply the GL code to all items on the invoice; you can also assign individual GL codes to each invoice item
Credit (Toggle): Switching this option will convert the invoice record to a credit invoice, changing all dollar values to negative (credit) values
Within the Invoice Details, some additional selections and fields are available:
Item ID: The ID of individual items on the invoice; if no Item ID is captured, you can enter basic increasing integers (1, 2, 3…)
Item Name: The name of the line item
GL Code: If you did not set a Global GL Code, you can set individual GL codes per item
Price: The price of the line item
Quantity: The quantity of the line item
Catch Wt: The reconciled weight of the line item, if applicable
Subtotal: Typically calculated as Price x Quantity; if Catch Wt is used, calculated as Price x Catch Wt
You can also add or adjust Subtype values, either underneath particular line items (by using the dropdown arrow to the right of the item’s Subtotal) or at the bottom of the invoice underneath the invoice Subtotal:
Tax: Taxes that may be applicable to the item or invoice
Shipping Charge: Shipping or freight charges that may be applicable to the item or invoice
Drop Charge: Additional shipping charges that are separate from standard shipping charge
Bottle Deposit: A charge associated to returnable bottles or other returnable materials
Other Charge: Any other miscellaneous charge
Discount: An amount that will be deducted from the line item or invoice
You can proceed with the Save button; you can save the invoice as a draft to continue working on it later, or send for approval if the invoice is ready to be submitted for approval. With the correct privs, you can also approve for payment to bypass the approval process. Click Proceed after making your selection and entering any notes.
NOTE: Do not click the “Proceed and New” button, as this will open a blank Add Invoice entry. If your organization utilizes SimpleAP Invoice, you do not need to use Add Invoice or Quick Entry.