Creating and Exporting Batches
Once an invoice is approved, it can be added to an export batch. Export batches can then generate files that can be uploaded to your accounts payable software. Some of these batches may be automated; please refer to your account administrator if you are unsure of how to get and import these files. Batches can be renamed and can be created by facility or vendor if desired.
Creating and Exporting Batches
Once you have approved invoices, you can navigate to the Batches screen to assign those invoices into batches.
This will open the Batches screen. All unarchived batches will be visible, and the top line will include all un-batched invoices. You can filter by date range, vendor, and facilities—applying a filter will show only invoices that meet those criteria. Using these filters can allow you to quickly create batches by these criteria, rather than having to work through the list manually. Clicking the caret on the right will expand the list. Click this next to the “Approved-not batched” to show invoices that need attention.
Click the checkbox next to any invoices you want to include in a batch, or you can click the checkbox on the “parent” or top line to select all invoices. You can click “Batch Invoices” to add the selected invoices to a batch.
Once the batch is created, you can adjust its name and review the invoices in it by finding it in the list and expanding it.
Clicking the red “x” on the invoice line will remove it from the batch. Clicking the checkboxes next to the invoices will allow you to select and un-batch multiple invoices. To generate the accounts payable file, click “Post to AP”.
You can select multiple batches to manipulate by clicking the checkboxes on the left. You can adjust the batch name for easier reference by clicking on the edit button on the right side of the batch name. The icons on the batch bar, from left to right, are “Export”, “Archive” and “View Notes” (which can also be used to create new notes).
When working with multiple invoice batches at once, you will need to click on the “Bulk Action” button in the bottom-right of the screen.
You can export all batches, un-batch all of the selected batches (returning them to the “Approved--not batched” list) or archive batches (which will hide the batches from the list but keep them for your records). Batches can only be archived once exported (i.e., pending batches cannot be archived).