File Import Tab

File Import Tab

Procurement Partners offers several options for performing offline invoice entry. One of these convenient options can be found in the File Import tool. This tool allows you to upload a single .pdf that contains many invoices, split it apart dynamically, and create a separate offline invoice for each “segment” that contains an invoice.


To get started, navigate to the Transactions -> File Import tab. This screen will show you all file imports that fall within the appropriate date range set by your search criteria. If you’d like to narrow the results you see, you can use the search criteria set at the top of the File Import window. 

To view an existing import, simply click the appropriate import in your list. To begin working on a new import, click the Import PDF button. This will bring up the Import New Batch entry form.


On this form, enter a name for your new import. Using a format such as the date followed by your initials is usually a good idea. Example – 12252024_JTA

After you enter your import name, click the Select Files… button and choose the appropriate .pdf in your File Explorer. After choosing your invoice, click the Multi Page check box. This will cause a new dialog box, No of Invoices, to appear. In this new dialog box, enter the total number of invoices contained within your uploaded .pdf, then click the Select no of pages per invoice button. This will cause a number of boxes to appear below equal to the number entered in the No of Invoices dialog box. Enter the number of pages for each invoice in the order in which they appear in your .pdf, then click the Import button.

Example – Joseph wants to upload three invoices that are all scanned into one .pdf called “Multipage invoice scanning.pdf”. Following the directions above, he names the import, uploads his .pdf, and checks the Multi Page checkbox. Since there are a total of three invoices in this .pdf, he enters 3 in the No of Invoices box; this causes three Pages in invoice boxes to appear. Joseph’s first invoice is two pages long (pages 1-2 of the .pdf), his second invoice is three pages long (pages 3-5 of the .pdf), and this third invoice is only one page (page 6 of the .pdf). He enters the appropriate numbers, then clicks the Import button.

To view your new import, select it from the list of imports at the top of the File Import tab. The invoice pieces will be split apart based on the page ranges that were entered. To view a specific page range and the associated invoice, click the related Import Name.

A new offline invoice will be displayed along with a pop-up window that contains the associated invoice.

Any fields on the offline invoice entry form marked with a red asterisk (*) are required, as well as all fields that make up the item list of the invoice.

  • Invoice Total*: Enter the total calculated price for the invoice. This is used as a “fail safe” to ensure that the calculated total equals the expected total for the invoice. 

  • Invoice Number*: Enter the invoice number here. Please note that this cannot be a duplicate of other invoice numbers already entered into the system. 

  • Invoice Date: Select the date of the invoice here. 

  • Location*: Select the location of the invoice here. 

  • Vendor*: Select the vendor that the invoice is for here. 

  • Reference Number 1 / 2: These are optional fields in which you can enter specific details for the invoice such as referenced PO numbers or other details. These may communicate over to your AP software in some way; check with your corporate team to see if they use the Reference Number fields on their AP feed.

In the Item section of the invoice, enter all necessary items for your invoice. You can enter a single line item for each GL code that appears on your invoice, or you can enter all items that appear on the invoice. Check with your corporate team for further instructions on how they’d like you to enter your invoice items. 

To add new items to your item list, click the Add a Line button. For each item, the following details will be required:

  • Item Num: Enter an item number here, if applicable. If no item number is available, enter a sequentially increasing value for your items (1, 2, 3, …). 

  • Item: Enter the item name here. 

  • GL Code: Select the appropriate GL code for the item. The GL codes are tied to the vendor; if you do not see the appropriate GL code to choose, check with your corporate team. 

  • U/M: Select the unit of measure, if applicable. This will default to EA – Each

  • Price: Enter the price of the item here. 

  • Qty: Enter the quantity of the product, if available. The default value is 1

  • Total: The Total for each item is calculated by multiplying the Price by the Qty.

If you’d like to remove a line item after it’s been entered, click the Delete button; however, your invoice must contain at least one line item. You can also enter the following in the bottom right corner of the invoice:

  • Total Tax: Enter any applicable tax here.

  • S&H: Enter any applicable shipping and handling charges here.

NOTE: Tax and S&H will be divided proportionally among all GL codes that appear on the invoice; if you want your entire Tax or S&H entries to be charged to a single GL code, you’ll want to enter them as their own line item.

The Total Calculated Amount will add up the Amount, Total Tax and S&H fields. When you are ready to save your invoice and unlock the rest of the invoice options, click the Save button. If your Invoice Total does not equal the Total Calculated Amount, you will receive an error message that states “*Please enter item details to match the total specified”; double check your entered items and ensure the values are correct.

After you successfully save the invoice, some more options will appear across the top of the invoice, and new buttons will appear at the bottom of the invoice. Your new offline invoice will also appear in the list of invoices above with the Status of Entry. At this time, your invoice is saved but it is NOT yet submitted. 

The icons that appear at the top are as follows:

image-20241028-193731.png Add Note: add a note to this offline invoice. It can be used to include a justification or another detail that should be included with the invoice.

image-20241028-193744.png Split GL Editing: split the billing for this offline invoice across one or more GL codes. You can also select this icon next to individual line items to split an individual line item across one or more GL codes.

image-20241028-193751.png Status History: see the history of the offline invoice, including its creation, modification, submission and approvals.

image-20241028-193759.png GL Summary: see a summary of how much is being charged to each GL code across the invoice.

image-20241028-193807.png Print Offline Invoice: print a copy of the offline invoice as entered thus far, though printing may be unnecessary as we save electronic copies of your offline invoices.

image-20241028-193814.png Attach File: attach one or more files to the offline invoice. Use this link to attach the scans or files for your offline invoice, if available.

In addition, several buttons will appear at the bottom of your offline invoice:

  • Delete: delete the offline invoice before it has been submitted.

  • Update: save your changes to the offline invoice.

  • Submit: submit the invoice for approval. The invoice will not be visible to others or approvable until it has been submitted.

  • GL Sum: same as GL Summary icon.

  • History: same as Status History icon.

There are two additional buttons that may appear for select users, depending on their priv levels. If you do not have access to either of these buttons and feel that you should, please check with your corporate team:

  • Submit to AP Ready: bypass the approval process and submit your offline invoice directly to the AP Ready status. This button will only be visible to users that are already part of the approval chain or have the ability to bypass approvals.

  • Submit as Prepaid: submit the offline invoice to a “Prepaid” status, indicating it has already been paid and a record is simply being saved to the system to indicate the invoice exists. It will mark the invoice to not be transferred to your accounting software.

After you have submitted your offline invoice using the Submit button, it will be entered into your invoice approval process according to your organization’s established approval standards. You will also be able to find the invoice in the Transactions -> Invoices tab with the given invoice number. Repeat this process for each of the other items in your File Import to create and submit each offline invoice included with your original import.