Dashboard Reports
Dashboard Reports are a powerful tool that offers dynamic, visual reports on many useful metrics. Based on your access levels, you will either see Dashboard Reports for your specific location, or for all the locations to which you have access. You can adjust for specific date ranges or budget periods by using the available dropdowns and selections at the top of each Dashboard Report.
You can drill down into these reports by clicking the bar graphs to see more detailed information about the specified data. When you drill down to the related data, you can download the report as a PDF or Excel document by using the appropriate buttons. There are several available Dashboard Reports:
Invoices Pending Approval – This report will show invoices that are pending approval for your available locations. Clicking on the bar graph will show you more detail about who needs to approve each invoice; clicking again will show a list of the invoices pending approval along with how many days they have been in their approval step.
Online Orders vs. Invoices Only – This report will display invoices in the system that are tied to orders that were placed through Procurement Partners versus invoices that did not previously have an associated order. This data can help shed light on how many orders are being placed outside of the Procurement Partners system which may result in missed value.
Monthly Spend by Vendor – This report will show a summary of how much has been spent on a per vendor basis. If you have access to multiple locations, it will show how much has been spent for all locations combined; if you have access to only one location, it will only show the spend based on that location.
Monthly Spend by Location – This report will show a summary of how much has been spent on a per location basis. If you have access to multiple locations, you will see the spend for all of those locations.
Budget Warnings – This rainbow chart will show you how much of your total budget has been used up and how much you have remaining for the chosen budget period. Clicking on this chart will drill down to the individual location(s) you have access to; drilling down again will show the relevant GL codes and their associated budget usage.