HD Supply API
Procurement Partners is now offering API functionality with HD Supply! This new and exciting feature will allow the two systems to communicate with one another regarding current pricing and product availability during the checkout and order approval processes.
Enable HD Supply API
To begin using this new feature, you will need to navigate to Vendor Mgmt -> Vendors, then select the Online version of HD Supply. Select the Configuration tab, then click the checkbox for API Price and Availability Check. Finally, click the Save button.
How Does It Work?
API calls allow Procurement Partners to send data to HD Supply that includes the account number, item numbers, requested quantities and prices. The vendor then sends back the current price as well as whether they have the stock to fulfill the requested quantity.
The API call is performed at two stages in Procurement Partners:
when the user clicks Checkout with an HD Supply shopping cart, and
when an approver clicks on an HD Supply order in the Order Approval screen (if you are making use of the Order Approval feature).
User Visibility
In the Shopping Cart screen, for HD Supply carts there will be a new column titled Qty Available that displays how many items are available, up to the requested quantity (but never greater than). If the available quantity is less than the quantity in the cart, a red exclamation mark will display.
Additionally, in the Price/Unit column, a red exclamation mark will display if the price sent back from HD Supply is greater than the price in the shopping cart. If the user hovers their mouse over the price, the current vendor price, original price and price difference will be displayed.
This feature will also apply to HD Supply punchout orders; however, HD Supply guarantees the price from punchout for 14 days, so the API will only update the price for those carts if it has been more than 14 days since the cart was created.
Behind the Scenes
Another benefit of the HD Supply API is that your catalog prices will be updated with use of this feature! These updates will occur whenever:
either the Update or Place Order buttons are clicked on the Order Verification screen, and
either the Update or Approve buttons are clicked on the Order Approval screen (if you are making use of the Order Approval feature).
These price updates will be recorded and displayed in the Status History feature.
Other Questions
What happens when the Quantity Available is too low or is N/A?
The order can still be placed. However, HD Supply may put the item(s) on backorder or may cancel the items from the order, depending on their policy. Alternatively, the user can choose to reduce the Quantity to match what’s on hand and/or select a different item for the order.
The Current Price shows as N/A. What does this mean?
This will typically happen if there is an error with the API callout, or an issue with the account number or item number for the called product. Contact the help desk if you have any difficulties.
Can I reject a price update?
No. This feature makes use of HD Supply’s pricing for your account number; the price updates cannot be rejected.