Assigning a Purchase Order to an Invoice

Assigning a Purchase Order to an Invoice

Occasionally, an invoice may come in and not match automatically to an invoice. In the invoice screen, you can easily search for the purchase order and assign it to the invoice so you can continue to verify that the quantity, price, and other pieces of the invoice are correct before approval. You can also use this process if the purchase order assigned is incorrect. 

Assigning a Purchase Order to an Invoice 

To begin, find an unmatched invoice and click on the “eye” icon to view it. 

Remember that unmatched invoices will appear as a red line in the pending invoice queue. 

Once inside the invoice, you will see a button in the upper-left of the screen: 


This will open the Search Purchase Order screen. Here you can enter the purchase order number you’re looking for, or you can search by facility, vendor, date range, and items on the purchase order. 

The results will show up like the below. Simply click the checkbox next to the purchase order number to assign it. 


Once you search for your purchase order, a plus sign will appear in the “PO Number” field: 

This will allow you to create a purchase order based on the items on your invoice if you cannot find the corresponding PO in the system. Select the facility, vendor, category, and, if desired, enter a PO number (if you do not enter a PO number, one will be generated). 

Click the “Get Items for PO” button to add the items from the invoice on to the purchase order. Once all the items are added, you can save changes and process the invoice as normal. 

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