Adding a Vendor (Offline / Non-Purchasing)

Adding a Vendor (Offline / Non-Purchasing)

If you utilize Procurement’s Offline Invoice Entry or SimpleAP tools, you will likely come across situations where you will be missing a vendor in your Vendor dropdown. This guide will demonstrate how to add a new invoice-only vendor to the system.

To get started, navigate to Management → Vendors → Add New Vendor

Step 1: Choose Vendor

Enter your new vendor’s name here. If the vendor is already in the system, this dynamic search form will let you know. If it isn’t in the system, click Next.


Step 2: Vendor Details

For an offline vendor, select “Don’t Email” under the Email dropdown, and uncheck the Confirmation checkbox, then click Next.


Step 3: Vendor Contacts

While a vendor contact isn’t absolutely required, if you have one it isn’t a bad idea to enter it here. Once you’ve entered one or more contacts, click Next.


Step 4: Address

Enter the vendor’s address here. While this is not a required field, it is highly suggested you enter the address, especially if utilizing the SimpleAP tools as it will increase the accuracy of our Optical Character Recognition software. Once entered, click Next.


Step 5: Facilities

Here you will select which facilities will have access to this vendor when entering offline / SimpleAP invoices. If it’s a small vendor that only relates to one or a few locations, you can deselect the others to keep it from showing for locations to which it doesn’t relate. If it should be visible to all locations, click the checkbox at the top of the “Include” column to select all. Then, click Next.


Step 6: Accounts

Nothing is required here for offline / SimpleAP invoice vendors. Click Next.


Step 7: Delivery Days

Nothing is required here for offline / SimpleAP invoice vendors. To complete adding the vendor, click Add Vendor, then click Yes.


Your vendor has been added and can now be selected in the Offline Invoice Entry and SimpleAP processes!

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