PO Confirmations Feature
This page is to provide an overview of the new PO confirmations feature. Below you will see screenshots of the new popout related to the Vendor provide confirmations.
Please note this information is coming from the vendor directly, we are only displaying what they send to us. If you have questions about the data itself, you are welcome to reach out to your rep for further assistance.
This page can be accessed through the search PO screen, all POs that have a current confirmation will be highlighted in dark grey. Please see the screenshot below:
Once opened, the PO confirmation will pop up a new window within your session containing the confirmation information.
At any point, you are welcome to use the search at the top left of the screen to find a specific item you are looking for. The above screenshots show an example of what the pop-up looks like. The items will have one of several statuses:
Unconfirmed - pending confirmation from the vendor.
Accepted - item was accepted as is and is available to be shipped.
Backordered - item is on backorder.
Changed - Item has been modified by the vendor, could be price UOM, etc.
Rejected/Deleted - Item is removed from the order.
Shipped - Item has been shipped by the vendor.
Beyond the status, the item information will also be included, including the confirmation date, and the confirmation price.
If you click the toggle on the top “See Raw Confirmations” will group items to their related confirmations. All items and updates are not always sent in one file, so there is a possibility that there will be multiple files for a single PO.
On this Raw confirmations section, you will see high level info and more importantly Tracking information under the delivery details section.
Overall, this screen exists to help you keep track of and understand where your order is and what the latest info is for it.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Customer support.
Tickets@On.care or 914 219 0020
On.Care Support.