Emails (Order Confirmation)
This document is designed to instruct users on how to opt in to receive order confirmation emails from vendors from whom they order. You can find this within the Profile -> Emails tab in Procurement Partners.
When you select this option you will see a list of all the vendors that your location has access to. In order to select a vendor that you wish to receive order confirmation emails for, simply move the vendors from the Available box to the Selected box:
- Add chosen items to Selected
- Add all items to Selected
- Remove chosen items from Selected
- Remove all items from Selected
Tip: You can select multiple items at once by using Ctrl+Click or a range of items with Shift+Click
When you have made the desired changes to your order confirmation email list, click the Save button. Please note that selecting a vendor will cause any changes or updates to that vendor’s POs to be emailed to you. Some vendors do not support this functionality.