Procurement Partners Minor Release 1.3
Release Notes:
Multi select in dropdowns
We have added a multi select, select all, and deselect all, to all dropdowns in our updated UI screens.
Search products
Search orders
User management
Find and Replace in order guides
We have added the find and replace functionality within an order guide. This functionality allows for users to find and replace an item from all existing orders guides.
Status dropdown of order guides
The status of the order guide can now be controlled through the edit order guide screen. Within any specific order guide, you can activate or deactivate any order guide as needed.
Comments in the new order UI
We have added the comments options back to the new order UI.
Edit order changes
We have added a line item broken case indicator within an order for items that are checked off as a broken case
Added updated display for freight within an order.
Added the edit product modal functionality, so we do not open a new tab.
Creating a product
At the end of the product creation, we have added the option to add the item directly to the order guide.
We have also updated the UI to always show add new product in the product search dropbar when checking to ensure there are no duplicates.
Product history button on search products added
A quick access product history and item history button has been added to the new search products UI
Cloning a role added
We have added the ability to clone a role from the role management screen.
Validation on role updates added
When updating a role, you will be prompted to select which section of rights you would like to be updated.
Search and reset filters on TIM screen
For those leveraging TIM, we have added a reset filter button as well as full search functionality for TIM drafts.
bug fixes
We have included a few bug fixes that were reported in the system.