Purchasing Director Approval Process
Email Notification
When an order is sent for approval by a facility, an email notification goes out to inform the approver that there is an order pending.
You are able to view and approve the order from within the email.
Orders can also be accessed from your home screen in On.Care.
You could also go to “search orders” to find a specific order.
Reviewing an Order
Once you are in the order you can drill down within each category to see the items requested and the qty entered. You can change the qty by just keying in the new qty in place of the old.
The icons on the left of the products are helpful tools to see product details.
Item History-offers you a brief but specific history
Product History-has more filter options and price history
Add to Order Guide-if you added something to the order that was not in the order guide you can add it in from the order itself. This is rights-based.
Delete-you can delete the item from the order by clicking the garbage can
Spark Lines
This is a great feature for easy access to your history of a product. This is rights-based. This is also customer based. Sparklines won't be available unless activated for the entire customer group.
You can find the sparkline on the right side of your item in your order. when you hover over it, a grid with the history will pop up.
Vendor Change
This is rights-based.
As an approver, you have the ability to change which vendor a specific item goes to. You can do this by going to the vendor column in your order and pressing the edit button.
This is going to show you all the vendors in your On.Care for this item and you will be able to select which you would like to move forward with. This feature is great for when you are trying to or cannot meet an order minimum with a specific vendor.
When you change a vendor it will update the related purchase orders in the order. For example, if you change an item from vendor 1 to vendor 2 on.care will move an item from the purchase order of vendor 1 to the purchase order of vendor 2
Sorting and Grouping the Order
If you would like to sort your order by total (cost from highest to lowest) you can click on the following icon which will enable sorting fields.
Your columns will appear like this now with up and down arrows for each column. To sort, simply click the arrows to get it sorted as desired.
*See document on “Creating an Order” to see how you can change the view of your columns.
Customizing your Order Screen Settings
Once you are in your desired order guide, please see the setting icons at the top right of your screen.
This will allow you to customize the column(s) priority for you that you want more visible when ordering. Once you are in the settings you can drag your desired items up and down with your mouse and control the column width as well.
Remember to hit the save icon on top of the settings bar to apply and save your changes.
Please note: These column settings are computer-based. That means it will have to be reset on each computer.
Adding/Searching an Item
The search bars on top will give you the ability to search for any item you want to add even if it is not in the order guide. If you don't have this option its because you don't have the right to add items outside your order guide.
While in the search text box you could search by the product description, Oncare Item number, and Vendors item number
Budgets are only available if they were configured in the manage budget screens.
When an order comes in over budget, you will get the following pop-up depending on how far over budget the facility is;
To see where you are up to in your budget find the “budgets” tab on the right side of your screen.
When you click on the above icon the following screen will slide out.
As you can see, this will break down your spending on this order and show you where you are holding for the month as well as how much room is left in the budget. You can see this in a PPD budget as well.
Add Product/Add Price
To add a new item to your order that is not in your order guide or On.Care system yet, use the add product/add price feature which can be found in the tabs on top of your screen.
This will open up a window to fill out all the info to your new product. Be sure to add the info for both tabs (pricing as well.) When all your info is in, click “add product.”
The wizard is going to require that you enter a price on the second tab. Make sure to enter a price.
Order Comments
If there is something the facility rep cannot find in their guide, they will put it in their order comments to be added. Comments can be found in the comments tab on the top of your order.
Comments can be printed from this screen too.
Approving your Order
When you are ready to complete your order, press send on the bottom right of your screen.
This will direct you to your purchase orders that will be created for one last look over before continuing.
Also, click the “More Details” of each PO (to the right of each PO in the above screen to set the info of delivery dates, emails, of who the order confirmation is going to be emailed to, and who the order is going to email to.
If all looks good, go ahead follow through the order creation screens until you complete the order.
Catalog Rejections
You may get a pop up with product rejections that will prevent the order from going through. This only applies to vendors that are catalog enabled. The following would be a reason for restriction;
Pack size is incorrect
Item ID is wrong
Price Update
Item discontinued
The rejection will look something like this;
Some vendors will offer a replacement that you can choose from.
This will correct the pricing and package type that was rejected.
When all looks good, go ahead and press “continue.”
This will resume placing your order.
This sends your order to the vendors electronically, or via email.
The facility rep who placed the order will also get an email confirmation with a copy of the purchase order(s).
If your order and confirmation were sent successfully your screen will show you the confirmations in green (shown below.) If for some reason there was an error with placing your order, it will appear in red. The red record needs more attention.
To access and resend the order you can do so 1 of 2 ways;
Troubleshooting purchase orders that were not emailed or sent to the vendor
Click on the yellow icon in the top right of the page, near the logout button.
Or you can locate it from the order dropdown.
Problem orders and POs are both accessed on the same page. They are only separated by tabs.
Clicking on more info will open up the troubleshooter on the right-hand side where you will be given more information on why the PO might have failed to send and how you can go about solving the issue.
Depending on the failure reason, you will either be given the option to correct information and resend the PO or contact our customer service team.
Here is an example:
Here is an example:
You can also see the document on PO and Order Status Screens for more clarity on this PO and Order status screens