Gordon Foods - Cart Edit

Gordon Foods - Cart Edit

Gordon Foods has updated some processes with its punchout communications to ensure that carts transferred from the Procurement system to their platform will be as accurate as possible. This includes some changes to the cart edit process that will be detailed in this guide.


The process of connecting out to the Gordon Foods punchout and creating your order will remain largely unchanged. Where the process will shift is once you pass the order back to Procurement and begin managing your cart in our platform.


The largest change you will notice is that the Quantity field is grayed out. You will be unable to make changes to items in the cart in the Procurement system. To make changes, you will need to connect to Gordon Foods to edit your order. Clicking the plus or minus sign next to the quantity will bring up a prompt to allow you to do so.

Click Go to Site to return to Gordon Foods. Close the “Start my Order” prompt that appears (we want to edit a cart, not create a new one).

Next, click Activate next to your active Punched Out Cart.

Make any changes you need at this time - add items to your order, remove items, or adjust quantities. Once finished, complete the punchout process again (Let’s Review the Order → Transfer Cart)

The shopping cart in the Procurement system will reflect the changes you made on the Gordon Foods portal! Proceed with your order as normal (Send button to submit).

You can still make changes to other aspects of your items, including categories and GL codes if necessary.

If you need to cancel an order, cancel the cart in Procurement with the Cancel Order option. The “punched out” cart will still exist in Gordon Foods, but it will time out after a period of time. If you cancel an order and wish to restart, just begin a new order instead of trying to resubmit a punched out cart after canceling a Procurement cart.


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