GL Coding

GL Coding

GL coding is a versatile and useful function of Procurement Partners that allows you to assign products to the appropriate general ledger (billing) code. You can GL code your products in several areas of the system, and based on your organization’s configuration some GL coding may already be completed for you!


Adjusting GL Codes in an Order

 You have an opportunity to view and potentially adjust the GL codes for your items within the Procurement Partners order screen. You can do this: 

  • When placing a Punchout order -> after you have “transferred” your cart back to the Procurement Partners system from the vendor’s website 

  • When placing an Order Guide order -> as you add items to your shopping cart

In both ordering methods, the GL code will appear in the same place. Items will be assigned a default GL code – with no further adjustment, this default code is where the product will be assigned. To adjust the GL code, simply click the dropdown and choose the appropriate GL code. Changes are saved automatically.


Adjust GL Codes in an Invoice

 When viewing an invoice in Procurement Partners, you can adjust the GL codes. To change the GL codes, first click the View Invoice button. 

Within the invoice, you can adjust the GL code with the dropdown in each line item. Changes are saved automatically. 

To save some time, you can set a “Global GL Code” at the top of the invoice screen. This will set all lines that have not had another GL code manually selected to the chosen Global GL code.


Split GL Editing

 Sometimes a line item needs to be adjusted across more than one GL code. Split GL editing can allow you to do this. To split a line item in an order, click the ellipses to the left of your line item, then click Split GL.

To add GL code lines, click the Add Row button. Select a GL code, then use the percentage slider to divide the line item charge across the GL codes. To save your changes, click the Save button.


To split a line item in an invoice, click the GL icon to the right of the GL code dropdown (Set Line GL Codes). 

To add GL code lines, click the Add Row button. Choose the appropriate GL code and enter the amount you wish to assign to that GL Code. Amounts added will deduct from the topmost GL code. To save your changes, click the Save button.


Common Questions:

“I don’t see the GL code I want to select in the dropdown!”

This can happen for several reasons, including the GL code not being assigned to the appropriate GL group, or missing privileges. Speak to your leadership team and they can work to correct this.


“The dropdown is greyed out / only has one selection available!”

This is typically by design, as it means the item has been “hard-coded” to one specific selection. If this hard-coding is not correct, speak to your leadership team.


“I have to change the GL code every time, it would be easier if it had a different default GL code!”

The default GL code can be adjusted when appropriate. Speak to your leadership team and they can work to correct this.



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