Invoice Inbox

Invoice Inbox

The Invoice Inbox is a tool that allows you to view and manage invoices that have been sent into your specific SimpleAP email address. These can be emails that you have sent, or emails sent by others who have the email address such as coworkers or vendors. While much of the email retrieval process is automated, this tool grants you further visibility and the ability to work on any emails that the system flags for review.


There are two views for the Invoice Inbox, a default view for most users and a specialized view for Managed Services team members. This document will cover the default view.


Access the Invoice Inbox


There are several ways to access the Invoice Inbox:

  • Navigate to Invoice → Inbox



  • Click on the number within the Home Page tile called Invoice Inbox Errors

The Invoice Inbox consists of four tabs that organize emails in varying states of processing:

  • In Process: These are emails that Procurement has received and are currently in the process of being read by our SimpleAP system. Unless an email gets stuck here for a length of time, this tab can be mostly disregarded.

  • Errors: These are emails that failed to be interpreted by the SimpleAP system and require your attention.

  • Created Invoices: These are invoices that have been created from emails. The screen will show the status of the associated invoice and allow you quick access to the individual entries.

  • Dismissed Files: These are emails that were dismissed from the Errors tab; they can be accessed and managed if they were sent to this tab by mistake.

All tabs have a Search / Filter option at the top.

The Email Source dropdown will allow you to narrow emails arriving from the @invoices.care or @pdf.care suffix.

Procurement’s SimpleAP system utilizes two email suffixes that pertain to the method of how the system reads the .pdf attachment.

  • @invoices.care emails utilize our Optical Character Recognition software to read invoices. This is more commonly used of the two.

    • The format for these emails is: FacilityID@invoices.care (ex. 12345@invoices.care)

  • @pdf.care emails utilize our PDF Parser to read invoices. This is less commonly used of the two.

    • The format for these emails is: MasterVendorID.FacilityID@pdf.care

Check with your account manager or leadership team to determine which email suffix you should be using and the specific email addresses for your location(s).

By default, the Email Received Date field will display emails across the past six months; it can be expanded manually.

The Created Invoices tab also has dropdown fields for Vendor and Facility.


Errors tab


The Errors tab is where much of your management of the Invoice Inbox will occur. This tab will display emails that were unable to be processed by Procurement, the reason for the error, and actions that you can take for each email.

  1. The File column will show the attached file, if there is one to show. Clicking on the attached .pdf will bring up a preview of the document.

Note: If the attached file is not a .pdf, you will be unable to view it or create an invoice from its email. At this time, the system only permits .pdf attachments for processing invoices via SimpleAP.

  1. The File Status column shows the reason that the email was stopped in the Errors tab. Hovering over the error will provide more information.

The errors you may encounter:

  • Wrong File Type: The email has an unsupported file attached to it. At this time, invoices must be submitted as a .pdf.

  • Invalid Email: This will occur if the user sent an email to the wrong suffix. For instance, they are supposed to use @invoices.care but sent the email to @pdf.care instead.

  • Too Big: The attached file was too large. At this time, invoices must be below 20 MB in size.

  • Template Failed: The .pdf template parser was unable to read the file.

Template parsing is a process that some customers utilize. Rather than sending the .pdf through Optical Character Recognition, a specific template is created for an invoice from a particular vendor. Template parser invoices are sent into the @invoices.care email address.

Several things can cause the Template Failed error:

  • The .pdf was not an invoice.

  • The .pdf was not the expected invoice for its template.

  • The .pdf was the expected invoice but something about the invoice changed and the template parser needs to be updated to accommodate the new invoice format (even small changes to the invoice layout will cause failure).

If you have any questions about your errors, please contact our help desk.

  • OCR Error: OCR was unable to process the file. The file will need to be manually inputted or resubmitted.

  • Server Error: Something went wrong when the server attempted to process the email or file. Try resubmitting the file; if this does not work, contact our help desk.

  • File Error: There was something wrong with the file that prevented it from entering a process or caused a process to fail.


  1. The From / To / Subject fields draw their information from the originating email.


  1. The Email Received Date field displays when the email was received by the system.


  1. The Actions field offers the actions you can take on an email with errors, including:

  • Manual Input: Brings the attached .pdf into the manual offline invoice tool for manual input.

  • OCR: Attempts to process the .pdf through Optical Character Recognition instead of the Parser. This is only available for emails sent into the @invoices.care email address.

  • Dismiss: Moves the email to the Dismissed tab.


Created Invoices

Here you will find a record of invoices that were successfully captured by the Invoice Inbox and their current status in the system. They can also be located in the other invoice tabs such as Invoice → Search Invoices.


  1. The File column will show the attached .pdf. Click it to view the .pdf.


  1. The From / To / Subject fields draw their information from the originating email. Hovering over the To field will reveal how the invoice was entered into the system (OCR, Parser or Manual Input)


  1. The Email Received Date field displays when the email was received by the system.


  1. The Invoice Created Date field displays the date that the invoice was generated in system. It will typically be the same as the Email Received Date, though some manual processes may cause this to differ.


  1. The Invoice Stage field displays which stage the invoice currently resides in. Draft invoices still require some attention before being submitted for approval; Pending invoices have been submitted for approval; and so on.


  1. The Created Invoice field displays the invoice number of the created invoice. Click it to navigate to the invoice for whichever stage it is in:

  • Draft invoices will take you to the Invoice Draft screen where you can modify the invoice prior to submitting it for approval.

  • All other stages will take you to the Invoice View screen; if the invoice is Pending, it can be approved if you have privileges to approve it at that step. Otherwise, you can view the invoice record.


Dismissed Tab

Emails that have been dismissed via the Dismiss action will be contained here. You can access the other Actions on this tab if something was mistakenly dismissed. The columns are identical to those in the Errors tab.

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