Installation - Android

Installation - Android

  1. In your Android web browser of choice, navigate to https://buyer.procurementpartners.com and click the Android App link below the Sign In button

  1. Click Download Anyway in the prompt asking whether you wish to download the procure.apk file

  1. Click Open in the File Downloaded prompt, or navigate to your downloaded files

  1. Click the procure.apk file to begin installation

  1. Click Settings in the Security prompt

  1. Click the toggle to Allow Permission (you can disable this after installation if you wish)

  1. Click Install on the prompt asking if you’d like to install

  1. Click Open in the “App installed” prompt, or click the Procure app to open

  1. You will see the Procurement Partners log-in screen; enter your credentials and log in (usage instructions continue in [insert guide here])

Note: You may receive a prompt that the app was built for an older version of Android. You may disregard; as the app is updated, this prompt will go away.

Optional: The app will ask if you’d like it to send you notifications. These notifications will be in regards to approvals assigned to you and other messages from Procurement Partners. Select Allow or Don’t Allow as you wish.


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