New Location Add

New Location Add

This guide will demonstrate the proper procedure for adding new locations to the Procurement Partners system, including how to add users and vendors to those locations. Please follow the steps below in order to successfully add your location.

Step 1: Fill Out Location Add Form

You will be provided an Excel document named Location Add Form. Within the spreadsheet, fill in the following information:

  1. Locations Tab

    1. Location Code – Enter the name/code used in your AP system to differentiate locations

    2. Name and Address Info – Enter as much info as you can for the location

    3. Desired Go-Live Date – Enter your desired go-live date for the location

  2. Vendor Info Tab

    1. Vendor Code – Enter the name/code used in your AP system to differentiate vendors

    2. Vendor Name – Enter the vendor’s name

    3. Status – Leave this blank; it will be used internally as we establish vendors

    4. Acct No. and AP Code – Enter your vendor account number and/or AP code per location

  3. User Info

    1. In this tab, enter data for your users for each new location. Username will automatically fill in as first initial + last name unless you differentiate it as something else.


Step 2: Adding Location to Portal

The next step will be adding your location data to the Procurement Partners system. To accomplish this: 

  1. Log into Procurement Partners

  2. Navigate to Administration -> Locations

  3. Click the New button

  4. Fill in the necessary information on the following tabs, using your completed spreadsheet as a reference

Shipping Address Tab

  • Name – the location’s name

  • Code – the unique identifier code for your location

  • Address – enter the address info

  • Phone – enter the phone number for the location

  • Active checkbox – Check this box to mark the location as “active”

  • Tax Exempt checkbox – Check this box if their location is tax exempt

  • AP System dropdown – Select the appropriate AP system for the location in this dropdown


Users Tab


In this tab, move the existing users you wish to have access to this location from the Available column to the Selected column. Use the arrows to move users – single arrows to move only selected, double arrows to move all.


Billing Address Tab

In this tab, check the “Same as Shipping Address” box if relevant; otherwise, enter the Billing Address.


Order Guides Tab

In this tab, move the desired order guides for this location from the Available column to the Selected column. Use the arrows to move order guides – single arrows to move only selected, double arrows to move all.


Vendors Tab

In this tab, move the desired vendors for this location from the Available column to the Selected column. Use the arrows to move vendors – single arrows to move only selected, double arrows to move all.

“What’s the difference between order guides and vendors?” 

Some organizations utilize order guides to create custom curated lists of products that are available for purchase by their users. For many organizations, there will be a “Master Order Guide” for each vendor that has their full catalog of items. For more information, please speak to your Account Manager.


Business Units Tab

In this tab, move the necessary business units for this location from the Available column to the Selected column. Use the arrows to move business units – single arrows to move only selected, double arrows to move all. Be sure to include at least one business unit; if you do not have multiple options, Default Business Unit should be selected. 

When you have completed all above tabs, click the Save button.


Step 3: Vendor Set-Up

The next step will be to adjust any vendors assigned to the new location with their updated AP codes. To accomplish this: 

  1. Navigate to Vendor Mgmt -> Vendors

  2. Select the vendor you wish to update

  3. Click the Locations tab

  4. If your location is not in the right column, move your new location(s) from the left column to the right column. Use the arrows to move locations – single arrows to move only selected, double arrows to move all.

  5. In the right column, enter the appropriate AP code for your new location(s) in the AP code column

  6. Click the Save button


Step 4: Send Location Add Sheet to HelpDesk

The next step will be to email the Location Add Sheet that you filled in to helpdesk@procurementpartners.com. Your new locations’ vendor connections will be completed by the Procurement Partners team.

Step 5: Adding Users

The final step of the process will be to add the users for your new location. For directions on how to add users to the Procurement Partners system, please reference the Users and Jobs document. A few things to note as you add your users: 

  1. You will want to complete this process after you have received confirmation that your locations’ vendor connections have been completed (see Step 4). If you add your users prior to your location being ready for ordering, you may have users logging in and being confused that they cannot yet place orders. If you wish to create the user accounts prior to their go-live date, please be sure to communicate the go-live date for them and set expectations that, even though they will receive credentials, they will be unable to order before their go-live. 

  2. If you have similar users who exist for other facilities, the Copy button could be useful. This feature, detailed in the Users and Jobs document, allows you to create clones of existing users from other locations wherein you simply replace the username, first name, last name and location while retaining all other selections and privileges.