How to chat in Procurement Partners
Chat on feature is great for communicating within your network with comments and/or issues pertaining to a specific order. With Chat on a user could even opt-in to get these messages texted to them.
Find the red chat icon in your desired order and click it to initiate your chat.
You will be able to access Chat.On wherever you see the red chat icon.
(You can follow the same instructions below whichever way the chat is accessed.)
Your chat screen will appear as follows;
2. Click on the “Opt-In” icon and you will then be prompted to enter your cell phone number.
Please note, that whoever is being added to your chat must opt-in to get messages via text, otherwise they will get this message via email,
3. Your contacts will appear in the left field of your chat. You can add recipients to your chat by clicking the icon near the contact. This will move the contact to “User to Notify,” more than one recipient can be added.
Please note, chats can be sent to anyone in your network that is set up with On.Care (i.e. Admin, AP rep, Food Service Director…etc.)
Lastly, you can type and submit your message in the text box on the bottom right of the screen.