Home Page Tiles
Procurement utilizes a customizable home page with a wide selection of “Action Tiles” - these tiles will display a number associated to how many items may require your attention! They can be a handy and easy to use function to help your usage of this system.
Clicking the number will typically take you to the associated screen for the action item, detailed below in each tile section. Clicking Show All will similarly bring you to that action screen.
Tile access is tied to one of two things:
What features your organization uses - for instance, if your organization does not utilize invoice management, nobody will have access to the invoice-related tiles.
Your user privileges - some users may not have access to some tiles based on what they can access within the system. If you feel you should have access to a tile you don’t see, contact your leadership team.
Besides the privileges you have in system, you can also choose to rearrange or hide tiles using the Customize Homepage option near the top of the tile list. Hide the tile using the red X icon; drag and drop by the gray bar at the top to rearrange. If you have hidden any tiles and would like to re-add them, click the Add Card button.
Note: Filters applied to each page in the system are retained until you log out. However, these filters do not apply to the values shown within each home page tile.
Budget Tile
This tile will inform you of your overall budget percentage and spend, if you have a budget set up within Procurement. The selection of “All GL Codes / Groups” will display a combined summary of all spend; clicking the dropdown will allow you to choose a specific GL code or group’s budget to view.
Order-Related Tiles
Saved Orders (Workflow)
This tile displays the orders (or shopping carts) that have been created but have not yet been submitted to the approval workflow or to the vendor. Delaying submission of these orders may impact the timely receipt of your products. This will display items less than 40 days old.
Same as: Order → Search Orders (Workflow) → Order(s) that need your attention tab
Orders Pending Approval (Workflows)
If you are part of the order approval workflow, this tile displays the orders that are assigned to you for approval. If others need to approve the order after you, your approval will push the order up to that next step; otherwise, if you are the final (or only) approval person, approving will submit the order to the vendor. Delaying approval of these orders may impact the timely receipt of your products. This will display items less than 40 days old.
Same as: Order → Search Orders (Workflow) → Order(s) that need your attention tab
Purchase Orders Not Sent
This tile displays fully approved orders that did not send to the vendor. This can occur due to improper configuration or process error between the Procurement system and the vendor. You can contact your vendor for assistance, or reach out to our Help Desk. This will display items less than 15 days old.
Same as: Order → Search PO → POs that May Have Failed to Send
Orders Stuck
This tile displays orders that are partially approved but are still awaiting attention from a later approval person in the workflow. This will display orders that have been stuck for 15 minutes to 24 hours, depending on your "stagnant" filter. This will display items less than 15 days old.
Same as: Order → Search PO → Orders that are Stuck in Approval
Order Guides
This tile displays all distinct order guide IDs that are associated with your facility. It is a “high level” view of order guides typically accessible to purchasing directors or other users authorized to create and modify order guides. Unlike other tiles, the number here simply defines how many order guides to which you have access, rather than action-requiring items.
If you are simply looking to place an order through an order guide, use the Hosted Catalog process.
Same as: Order → Order Guides → Search
Invoice-Related Tiles
Pending Invoices
This tile displays all invoices that require your direct approval. If you are part of the approval chain, this will be invoices that are assigned to your approval step and require your attention. Delaying approval of these invoices may impact the timely payment of invoices by your AP team. This will display items less than six months old.
If you have higher-level access in the system, this tab will display all invoices that require approval (not just yours) for locations to which you have access.
Same as: Invoice → Pending Approval
Invoices for Review
This tile is not currently being used.
Pending Batches
This tile displays invoice AP batches that have been created but not exported. Its functionality will be exclusive to AP team members or users with higher level privileges who manage AP Batches. This field has no date filter.
Same as: Invoice → Batches → set Status filter to “Pending”
Offline Invoice Entry / SimpleAP-Related Tiles
Invoice Inbox
This tile displays emails that have been sent to the Invoice Inbox that are either ready to be processed or deleted. Common causes for an email ending up here are:
It contains no attachment
It contains an attachment that is not supported by our SimpleAP system
It contains a PDF that failed to process via SimpleAP
If your organization uses SimpleAP + Assistance, our team will typically maintain the Invoice Inbox on your behalf. This field has no date filter.
Same as: Invoice → Inbox
Invoice Entry Drafts
This tile displays invoices that are still in the Draft status. This can include manually created invoices or SimpleAP invoices that still need to be submitted for approval. This will display items less than six months old.
If your organization uses SimpleAP + Assistance, you can view invoices here that are marked for “Review” and take care of whatever needs to be handled.
Same as: Invoice → Search Invoices → set Status filter to “Draft”