Viewing Purchase Orders

Viewing Purchase Orders

Once an order is approved, a purchase order (PO) will be sent each vendor with items in the order. Once the order is fully approved, those POs will only be visible in the Search POs screen.  

There is a lot of information and functionality available in the Search POs screen, and this document will give you an overview of what you can find and do on that screen. 

Getting to the Search POs Screen 

To access the Search PO screen, select it from the “Order” dropdown. 

You can view specific subsets of orders with the other options here.  

POs That May Have Failed to Send: These are orders that have been approved but the POs generated from the orders may not have been received by the Vendors. 

Orders That Are Stuck In Approval: These are orders that have not been approved for whatever reason, and have therefore not generated POs yet. 

Both of these options will look like the below, and you can toggle between the two either by clicking on the tabs or by selecting the options from the menu. Instructions on how to process orders or POs that appear here can be found by clicking on the “Instructions” prompt. 

The other three options here will allow you to see POs generated from orders that have no issues. You can view all POs, POs placed today, or POs that have not been received

Viewing and Searching POs  

These three PO viewing options all have the same screen, but have different default filters. The screen will appear as you see below. The part above the dark gray bar is the Filters area, the part below is the Results Field.    

This screen will show POs (that is, orders split up by vendors) based on filters and search terms set in the Filters area. Zooming in on the filters, you have a variety of options. On the left side of the screen, you have these filters. 

Search allows you to search POs both by PO number and order number (essentially, the number of the cart that contained the PO or POs). 

The Date Range filter has three options: 

  1. Delivery Date: When the PO is set to be delivered, based on the delivery date assigned to the order. 

  2. Create Date: When the PO was created. 

  3. Budget Date: The date that the PO will be charged to your budget. 

Billable and Failed Only allow you to show POs that are or are not billable or failed to send to the vendor. 

Portfolios and Behalf Of allow you to select POs for a specific portfolio or POs placed on behalf of a specific user or users. 

The right side of the filters look like this: 

Facilities, Vendors, Departments, PO Type, and PO Status allow you to select POs that match the criteria selected in these fields. PO Status can be set to show orders that have been sent to the vendor and orders that have not yet been fully approved. 

Recon Status will show POs by their Reconciliation Status relative to their Invoices. This can be used to find POs that have not had their invoices approved, or find POs with invoicing issues. 

Adjusting the filters and entering search terms will change the results in the results field below. Once you have results, you have a variety of options for each PO presented in the results area.  

POs in the Results Field 


Once you have some results, you have some options available. The left side of the results field includes these buttons: 


The red chat bubble allows you to view any comments associated with the order through the Chat function. 

The envelope icon allows you to see any confirmation information that has been received from the vendor. 

Clicking on the three dots will open the order menu:  

  • View PO will generate a PDF of the PO sent to the vendor.  

  • View Confirmation will show a hard copy of any confirmation documents. 

  • Receive allows you to indicate the items and quantities of items that have arrived. This is important for invoice reconciliation. 

  • View Consolidated Confirmation will allow you to see all the confirmation information for the whole order (i.e., all POs associated with the order that generated this PO). 

  • Edit PO Date allows you to adjust the Order Date, Delivery Date, and Budget Date for the order. 

  • Copy this Purchase Order and Copy this Order copy the corresponding documents, allowing you to send exact copies as new orders or POs.  

  • Email and Integration Status allows you to see the progress of the order through the system and to the vendor. 

  • Integration Logs show you additional information about the submission of the PO and allow you to resend it if necessary. 

Note: Deleting a PO will not cancel it with the vendor. If the order has been sent to the vendor (i.e., is in the “Emailed to Vendor” status), you will need to cancel the order with the vendor as well as deleting it here. 

The options on the other part of the screen look like this:

Clicking on the number in the PO Field will show you the PDF of the PO. Clicking on the number in the Order ID Field will show you the entire order that generated the PO (remember that an order can generate multiple POs, just like 5707654 did here).  

Clicking on the Icon in the Order ID Field will show you the Workflow (i.e., approval steps) that this PO went through.  

Clicking on the edit button will allow you to edit the PO details, such as dates, PO messages, the GL account for the order, and where the order should be sent. 

Clicking on the house will allow you to change the billing and shipping address for the PO. 

Finally, clicking on the down arrow, , will allow you to see the expanded PO details. Clicking it again will close the details. 


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