Configuration and Integration

Configuration and Integration

Features to understand the configuration screen.

Under the Invoice, tab click on configuration. It will open up a menu with three options.

Integration, PDF Integration, and Batch settings

1. “Integration”

  • Clicking on the integration option will lead to a screen that has a drop down menu for vendors. Each vendor must be integrated separately.

  • Once a vendor is chosen a list of facilities will be pulled up

    • This screen contains information about the vendor. It provides the facilities the vendor sells to as well as the information the vendor needs to contact On.Care.

    • On.Care supports both PDF invoicing and EDI invoicing. If the vendor supplies PDF invoicing then an email is supplied per vendor per facility. The PDF invoice should be sent to On.Care by the specified email. The email is numerically composed of the vendor code and the facility code. (ex: vendorcode.facilitycode@pdf.care). The system is designed to supply the emails but in the event, the emails aren't generated on screen this information is important to note.

    • It is important to save any changes made to the page before leaving it.

  • There is an option to export facility vendor information. This can be done by clicking the “Export Facilities” button. It will download all information associated with the vendor in an Excel file.

2. “PDF Integration”.

Once you click on the “PDF Integration” option it will take you to the PDF request screen. This screen shows you which Vendors you have requested integration from. There is also a search bar with the option of requesting a new vendor for integration.

To request PDF integration from a new vendor click on the blue “Request PDF Integration from a New Vendor” button. This will pull up a new screen.

On this popup screen, you can search for the vendor you want to request PDF invoicing from. To request click on the “+” button.

A new screen of “PDF Integration Instructions” will generate.

  • This page gives you the option to email instructions to the vendor. In order to make use of this click on the “pencil” icon which will allow you to edit the page. You can then enter the Vendor Contact email. (Don’t forget to save.) Once that is saved you will be able to click on the “Email Instructions to Vendor” button which will automatically send the applicable files to the vendor for integration.

  • Similarly to the “Integration page” there is an option to export facility vendor information. This can be done by clicking the “Export Facility Email Addresses to Excel” button.

3. “Batch Settings”

This screen is used batch invoices and turn them into import files.


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