

Features to understand the management page

The management page houses all information about facilities, vendors, users, and accounts.

  • Under the facility tab, there is an option to add new facilities.

  • The following information below should be entered for facility detail. Only the facility name and code need to be entered in order to continue onto the facility address.

  • Once all the information has been entered the facility can be confirmed.

  • You can view pending facilities under the “Pending New” tab.

  • You may also add a new facility and edit a pending facility from this page


The search and manage page allows you to edit details about specific facilities

  • You may export all the information given below for all facilities in one excel file. Simply click on the blue “Export to CSV” button located at the top of the “Search and Manage screen”.

  • To view a specific facility click on the “eye” or view icon.

  • It will bring up the following page

    • here you can edit the facility accounting code, the budget type, and to whom a copy of the PO’s are being sent.

      On the side menu of the above page, you have access and edit features to the

    • Address of the facility,

    • Vendors that sell to the facility,

    • Users who have access to on.care,

      • Here you can change the type of access each user has.

      • There are two types of access: “Executive Access” and “Regular Access”. Executive access allows the user edit rights. Regular access only allows the user to view the information in On.Care. Executive access can only be issued by an Executive user.

      • to enable or restrict access for a certain user drag the toggle button as shown below.

    • Also located on the side menu is an integration edit screen where you can edit the account number and the vendor accounting code for a facility. Make sure to click the red save button in order for the data to save.


    • Order guides

    • The side menu contains a screen of emails associated with the facility. This is so that On.care can contact you.

  • make sure before you leave any page to save everything you have changed.


Portfolio screen

Regions Screen




To add a new vendor click on vendor under the management tab and then add new vendor.

  1. When adding a new vendor make sure to add it from a list of existing vendors that populate when you type in the search bar. Don’t create your own vendor. If you create your own vendor the system will not recognize it. After you have selected the desired vendor click on the green “Next” button to proceed to step two.

  2. Vendor details - On this screen you have the option of sending a copy of all purchases to the user email by checking off the little box above the blue “Show More” button. You may also request to send all PO’s in by email.

    show more -


  3. Vendor Contacts

  • You only need to enter a name in order to proceed to the address field.

  • You have the ability to change the contact type geared towards the users job by clicking on the contact type drop down menu.

  • You have the option of making the contact the default for either all facilities or one specific facility. Click on the drop down menu labeled facilities to edit.

4. Make sure to enter the Vendor Address. Please note this is the address that will show up on each Purchase Order

5. In step five you have the option of giving the user access to information for specific facilities. This is helpful when a user isn’t associated with all facilities. In order to enable access for facility check the white squares in the include column.

6. Accounts

7. delivery days


You may edit this information at any time by clicking on the red “Search and Edit” button.


  • Users - You may add a new user by clicking on the red “Add New User” button.

    • You can give the user rights to everything by checking off the white box .

      located on the bottom of the screen is a blue “User Button” clicking on it will allow you to view all users and user details listed below.

    • Once you have filled everything in you can press the blue “Next” button.

    • It will bring up the following page:


    • On this page you can set up what the user has access to. If you click the “select role” drop down menu you can pick a role for your user. This will automatically check off boxes which apply to that role.

    • Make sure to check off everything you want to give the user access to, then click the blue “Next” button.

    • The next screen will generate a list of your facilities. You can give the user rights to all or a select few.

    • To give the user access to all facilities click on the little both located at the top of the screen.


    • After you have finished with selecting the facilities please click “Next”

    • In step four you can give your user category rights. This will give the user access to actions associated with those categories.

    • Some categories have subcategories which you can access as shown by clicking on the little black triangle.

    • If you would like to give the user access to all categories then click the little box next to the search bar

    • make sure to use the scroll bar on the side to view all categories. Then click next


    • You also have the option of uploading user information via an excel file

    • Under management click on “Users”, then “Upload Users”


    • The blue “Click here” link downloads a template with the necessary information that needs to be filled out.

    • For further instruction on how to create the spreadsheet click on “'click here' for detailed instructions on how to create a spread sheet of users.” It will bring you to a more detailed page.

    • Once you have filled out the Excel file with the correct information make sure to save.

    • You can add the file by clicking on the blue “Browse” button. Then click next.



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