Invoice Searching Best Practices
Procurement Partners offers robust searching options to assist with locating invoices. This document is designed to provide tips and tricks for those who may experience difficulty with locating particular invoices. If you are unable to locate an invoice, please try the steps below.
Clear Default Criteria with Reset Button Before Searching
By default, some fields of the Invoice Search are filled in. Namely, the Invoice Date fields have a date range for the past month entered automatically. This can sometimes impact the ability to search for invoices by Invoice Number if the invoice falls outside of the date range. By clicking the Reset button (highlighted above), these defaults will be cleared out.
NOTE: If you need to search for an invoice and you don’t have the invoice number on hand, make sure to select a generous date range surrounding when the invoice was posted; sometimes the date in the Procurement Partners system can vary slightly from the date supplied by the vendor.
Ensure Invoice Number Radio Button is Selected
If the Order No. radio button is selected and an invoice number is typed into the corresponding box, no results will be returned. Ensure the correct radio button is selected (highlighted above) before searching.
NOTE: If you happen to know the order number associated with the invoice but not the invoice number, you can use the Order No. radio button to search; just make sure to select Invoice No. again once you switch back to searching by invoice numbers!
Increase Items Per Page for Search Results
It can be easy to miss some search results if they appear on another page. Increasing the items per page can help reduce the risk of missing extra results for your searches.
Check the Offline Invoice Entry Tab
When invoices are entered into the system via the Offline Invoice Entry or SimpleAP tools, they will not appear in the Invoices tab until they have been submitted. If you are searching for an offline invoice and cannot locate it in the Invoices tab, you will also want to check the Offline Invoice Entry tab, specifically searching for invoices in the Entry status. You can also find offline invoices that you have entered but not yet submitted on the home page under Quick Links.
In the Offline Invoice Entry tab, select Entry in the Status dropdown, then click Search. You may also need to Reset out the date ranges (see page 1) to see all invoices awaiting entry.
NOTE: By default, you will only be able to see offline invoices that you have entered for your location. If you wish to see offline invoices in an Entry status from other users and/or locations, reach out to your corporate team.
Use Caution When Searching for Multiple Exact Numbers
When performing a search for multiple invoice numbers at a time using the Add Multiple Exact Numbers field, make sure that you don’t enter more than 50 items per search. In addition, this form will only display exact matches so make sure to double check how many invoices are returned from your search compared to how many you entered into this form.
Watch Out for Leading Zeroes
Occasionally the invoice number in the Procurement Partners system and the invoice number that’s supplied to you from the vendor on your invoice or statement may differ from one another slightly. Commonly, this comes in the form of “leading zeroes” – for example, you may be given an invoice number of 96617618 on your statement, but the invoice number is actually 0096617618. If your invoice can’t be found, try searching for it with one or two leading zeroes, and keep this in mind when dealing with vendors that drop leading zeroes on their statements.
Check Your Access with Your Leadership Team
In rare cases, you may be unable to find an invoice if you’re attempting to search for an invoice owned by a location other than your own. If you are unable to find an invoice and you think it may belong to another location, check with your leadership team and have them double check your account’s location access.