

The Users tab will allow you to add new users, view existing users, and modify attributes of existing users.

  1. To locate this screen, click the Security → Users tab. 

  2. You can quickly search through the list of existing users using the Search function. 

  3. The list of users will appear here. If you perform a search, the results of the search will appear here. Clicking on a user will open the details of that user below.

  4. Click the Add New User button.


User tab


Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required fields.

  • User* Enter a unique username in this field. This username must be different from all other existing usernames for your organization. 

  • First Name / Last Name* Enter the user’s first and last name into these fields. 

  • Primary Location – Select the primary location for which this user will be ordering. 

  • Job – Select the job role that this user will be fulfilling. If you are unsure which job the user should be assigned to, you can look at the Jobs tab to view the aspects of each job. 

  • Phone – Enter the user’s phone number into this field. Must be entered in format ###-###-####

  • Email* Enter the user’s email into this field. This email will be used for sending correspondences and reminders regarding orders, transactions and reports. 

  • Time Zone – Select the user’s time zone. 

  • Active – Check this box for the user’s account to be active. When this box is unchecked the user will be unable to log into the system. 

  • Comments – Enter optional comments about this user’s account.


Locations tab

The Locations tab is where you will assign one or more locations for the user. These selections will dictate the locations for which the user will be able to place orders. Any locations listed under Available cannot be utilized by the user; any locations listed under Selected are the locations for which the user will be able to place orders and view other details.

NOTE: The Primary Location selected on the previous tab will always be added to this list; if a user changes location, you will need to update the Primary Location dropdown first and then update the Locations tab accordingly.


GL Accounts tab

The GL Accounts tab allows you to give a user access to GL accounts within the Procurement Partners system. Any GL accounts listed under Available cannot be utilized by the user; any GL accounts listed under Selected will allow for those associated products to be selectable and purchasable.

When you are ready to save your new user, click the Save button.


Additional Options

When you select an existing User, a Copy button will appear next to the Save button. If you click this button it will create a new User that will keep the primary location, job and time zone of the copied user as well as all selected Locations-GL within its tabs.

The User, First Name, Last Name, Phone and Email fields on the User tab will clear out so you can enter this new information. You can then make changes to those other settings that will be appropriate to this new user. This feature makes it easy to create a new user with very similar settings to an existing user without having to redo everything from scratch.

The Reset Password button can be used to reset a user’s password; the system will automatically generate a new password for the user and send it to them via the email on file in a few minutes. 

 Additionally, a Delete button will appear until such a time that the user has performed an impactful action in the system, such as placing an order or approving an invoice. If the user has performed something to leave a digital presence, the account can no longer be deleted and must be deactivated with the “Active” checkbox.