Category GL Mapping

Category GL Mapping


Category GL Mapping.mp4
Category GL Mapping video


Procurement Partners now offers Category GL Mapping to assist with automatically assigning GL groups to items based on the vendor categories to which those items are tied. This feature will assign GL group:

  •  When items are deployed from the Vendor Portal to the Buyer Portal.

  • When a user clicks a button to update all existing items of a certain category.


Gaining Access

To begin using this new feature, you will need to add access to the screen to your job role. Select Security -> Jobs, then select your job role (or any other roles you wish to grant access to this new screen). Select the Screens tab, then move the option “Vendor Mgmt – Category GL Mapping” to the Viewable column, then to the Editable column. Finally, click the Save button.


Category GL Mapping

Select Vendor Mgmt -> Category GL Mapping. A list of your vendors will appear, along with their categories as defined by the items loaded into the buyer site. 

The lowest level category for a GL group-assigned item will be used when automatically assigning GL groups. By default, categories will be set to the GL group “None” – if this is selected, the system will use the vendor’s default GL group. 

To update the GL group for a category or subcategory, select the appropriate GL group from the dropdown and click Save. Moving forward, all new items that are processed into Procurement Partners that match the chosen category will have that GL group assigned to them.

If you wish to set all existing items under a particular category to the specified GL group, click the Update All Items button. This will assign the selected GL group to all items in that category (including its subcategories) in the vendor master order guide. Items in other order guides will not have their GL group updated. Additionally, subcategories that have a GL group manually selected and saved will not be overridden.