Order Workflows
The Order Workflow tool allows you to set up order approval processes for your various locations and vendors. This gives you the control you need over the ordering your users will complete within the Procurement system.
Note: Order Workflows are not enabled by default. If you wish to use this feature, contact our Support team.
To get started, navigate to Management → Workflows
This screen will display any existing workflows you have created. You will need to create a Default Workflow first; from there, you may create more specific workflows.
All workflows will be tied to your Company. From here, your Default Workflow will be the first workflow you create that has no Facility, Category or Department specified; this means this workflow will apply to any orders that do not fulfill one of the above specified fields that would apply to any additional workflows you create.
To create a new workflow, click Add.
Workflow Name: Give your workflow a name.
Document: You can specify which type of order this workflow will apply to.
Portfolio: Not enabled at this time; leave set to All.
Facility: Select a specific facility if you wish this for workflow to only apply to one facility.
Category: Select a specific category if you wish for this workflow to only apply to one category.
Note: You cannot have two workflows that both apply to the same set of fields. If you attempt to create a workflow that conflicts, you will receive an error message.
A workflow always begins with step 1: User sends order for approval. From here, you can add and modify additional rules.
A rule that contains no Conditions will always require approval at that step. In the above screenshot, orders submitted by users at the Alpine Nursing Center for the OFFICE category of products will always require approval by an Administrator. You can add and modify conditions by clicking Add Condition.
Conditions in Procurement utilize “If / Then” logic. If the order to which this rule applies triggers a certain condition, then it will require the specified approval. If the order does not trigger the specified condition, it will not require the specified approval.
You can utilize the following conditions:
The $ value greater than: The total dollar value of the user’s order is over a specified amount
Over budget: The user’s order exceeds one of your specified budget limits
Over ppd budget: The user’s order exceeds one of your specified PPD budget limits
Have vendor: The user’s order is to a specified vendor
Is formulary: The user’s order contains formulary items
No formulary items: The user’s order does not contain any formulary items
No Action: Selecting this will effectively disable the entire rule; use this option if you want this workflow to be an exception and not require approval
Have any vendor other than: The user’s order is to a vendor other than the specified vendor
Any item subtotal: The line item subtotal of any item on the order exceeds a specified amount
After adding a condition, you can use the Add symbol next to the condition to add additional conditions. You can use the And / Or dropdown as well:
And: All conditions must be fulfilled for the rule to trigger
Or: Only one condition must be fulfilled for the rule to trigger
If you would like to add more steps, click the Add Step button. This will create a new step that will come after the previous step. Remember that a workflow with multiple steps will need to pass through each approval step before being submitted to the vendor unless the order does not trigger the associated conditions with that step.
To save your work, click the Save button.
Note that when a workflow is created or modified, existing orders to which that workflow would apply will need to be refreshed. Locate the existing orders to which your new or modified workflow would apply, click the View Workflow button, then click Reset Workflow to update the workflow accordingly.