Price Upload
The Price Upload feature is a convenient and efficient tool that allows you to update multiple item prices in one shot. The system uses your uploaded spreadsheet to compare values and quickly assign pricing to effectively update your in-system prices.
To get started, navigate to Management -> Upload Price.
Either click and navigate, or drag and drop your .xls, .xlsx or .csv file of your price file.
Next, identify what you'd like to do with the file. Select one or more:
Create products - the file contains new products that need to be generated.
Create prices - the file contains new prices associated to new or existing products that need to be generated.
Update prices - the file contains updated pricing for existing products.
Update price details - the file contains updates to products beyond just their pricing, such as updated units, pack types or IDs.
If you choose one or more of the second, third or fourth options, you will also need to identify the vendor for the price file.
After you click Continue, you will see the uploaded spreadsheet along with automatically assigned in-system matches.
If the system can identify a column, it will show the matched in-system record below and highlight the column in blue. If the system cannot match the included column, it will highlight in red. Use the dropdown to select or adjust the in-system match to your column headers.
There are toggles at the top of the spreadsheet:
My Data Has a Header Row - Checked by default, uncheck if your data does not contain a header row.
Delete Prices -
Match Case - If checked, the system will pay attention to the text casing of entries (uppercase and lowercase).
Match Brand - If checked, include this when determining whether a vendor ID field matches.
Update Multiplier - If an item has a multiplier in system, typically used to multiply “price per pound” items, this option allows you update that multiplier.
Multiply Base on Multiplier - This will utilize the multiplier set up for items to multiply the price and give you a final price for the item based on those two values.
When you are ready to proceed, click the Process button. In some instances, your file will successfully upload on the first go. However, often there will be kickouts to address before finalizing your price upload.
If you click Fix the errors, you’ll have the opportunity to correct the errors on your file. If you click Continue Anyway the system will skip the errors and only process the successful price updates.
Within the Fix the errors screen you will have several tabs across the top of your worksheet:
Changed - Items where the price was successfully updated.
Skipped - Items where there was no change to the price, so they were skipped.
Errors - Issues that the system caught with your items that need to be reviewed and possibly corrected.
Actions - A log of your actions and changes on these screens that you can use to review your changes and undo mistaken actions.
Below are some common errors you will come across, and suggested solutions:
ERROR cannot find product - This error typically occurs if the product doesn’t yet exist in the system. The solution is usually to create the product in the system using the Create Product and Price action.
ERROR cannot find price - This error typically occurs if the price doesn’t yet exist in the system, though it can also be triggered if the OnCare Item IDs do not properly match the Vendor Product IDs. A potential solution is to create the price in the system using the Create Price action, or to check the system for these items to ensure the OnCare Item ID properly matches the Vendor Product ID.
ERROR duplicate price - This error typically occurs if there is a duplicate item in the system, involving a different OnCare Item ID associated to the same Vendor Product ID. A potential solution is to review the item IDs and ensure the proper OnCare Item IDs are associated to the correct Vendor Product IDs.
In the left column you can perform Actions:
Ignore - the line item will be ignored and removed from the list of Errors.
Create Price- a form will open below the line allowing you to enter the details for the item to add its price.
Create Product and Price - a form will open below the line allowing you to enter the details for both the new product and its associated price.
Bulk Actions - Ignore All - this will ignore all remaining Errors and remove them from the list.
When you have corrected or ignored all errors and are ready to complete your upload, click the Confirm Changes button.