Creating and Managing Departments

Creating and Managing Departments

Departments allow you to create cost centers for spend tracking. This guide outlines how to create a new department and how to grant users access to the department using the new Department Rights tab. 

Note: Any department here will be available for use at any facility. Whether users can access it is determined by their permissions. Management of these permissions is outlined at the bottom of this document. This feature is not enabled for all customers; if you would like to use this feature, please contact your account manager.

Add a Department 

Navigate to Management -> Department 


  1. Click + Add Department 

  2. Enter the name of your new department 

  3. Click the Save icon 

  4. Select one or more categories within the Select Categories contextual menu 

  5. Click Apply, then click Save 

Department Rights 

  1. Navigate to Management -> Users 

    1. If adding a new user, click Add New User 

    2. If searching for an existing user, click Search and search for the user 

  2. Click on the Department Rights tab 

  3. Check the boxes for all departments to which you want the user to have access 

  4. Click Save 

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