What is a Workflow?
The Procurement system supports a style of order approvals known as workflows. A workflow will cause an order to travel through one or more steps of approval before being submitted to the vendor. An organization’s workflow is unique to the organization and can vary from vendor to vendor, location to location or even user to user. Not all workflows are the same, and some orders don’t require any approval at all (though they would still be considered to have a “workflow”, just a very simple one).
To view the workflow that will apply to a specific shopping cart, click the View Workflow button in the bottom right corner. This will display whether your order is going to require any approval, why it needs approval, and from whom it will require such approval.
As an orderer, if your order requires approval you don’t have to do anything special! You simply submit your order and our system will pass it along to the appropriate person and notify them. Our system also supports back-up approvers, but if you are worried the person to whom the orders are being assigned are not available to approve, please reach out to your leadership team.
Additionally, as with most elements of the Procurement system, if you have a question about the specific configuration of your organization’s workflows or the purpose they serve, please check with your leadership team.