Creating and Managing GL Code Groups (Non-Budget)
GL Codes are a way for your organization to track spend within the Procurement Partners system. These codes are consolidated into selectable lists known as GL Groups. Once created, a GL Group can be assigned to a category, subcategory or items within categories. This guide will demonstrate how to create or modify a GL Group, and how to assign the GL Group within the system.
Note: These GL groups do not create budget groups. These groups will be assigned to categories to allow for the option to select from these GL codes when creating the order. See the end of this document for steps for assigning these groups to categories.
GL Groups
Navigate to Management -> Accounting Config -> GL Groups
Click Create New Group
Enter GL Group Name
Select appropriate AP Platform
Select one or more Available GL codes and move them to Selected with arrows
Reorder GL codes if desired; top GL code is considered Default GL Code
Click Save
Category GL Accounts
Navigate to Management -> Accounting Config -> Category GL Accounts
Select appropriate AP Platform
Select category, subcategory or items within categories
Select your GL Group from dropdown
Click Yes or Yes and Don’t Show Again in prompt window
Note: User rights dictate whether a user can change the GL Code of an item to another GL Code within the item’s GL Group. Ensure that users have this right enabled if you wish them to be able to adjust GL Codes; otherwise, items they purchase will be set to the item’s Default GL Code.