How to Bulk Upload Users
This User upload feature is a way for you to upload a long list of users quickly via a comma-delimited file. You would use this feature when you have a report or spreadsheet with many users to enter and you want to skip the manual process
Select “Upload Users” from the Management-Users-Upload-Users on the home page.
You will be taken to the user-upload page where you can do the following:
Download an example spreadsheet.
Browse and upload an already created users file.
her is an example of a file but SEE BELOW for more details on how to create a user upload file.
When uploading a user file to the user upload it is important to note that our system will only accept .CSV (Comma delimited) files.
Using the “Browse” button you can locate the user upload file you would like to use.
After you click on the “Next” button, you will be asked to match each column of your spreadsheet to our required fields
If you try to upload a file where a required column field is missing information, you will get a rejection on the specified column. see the below example.
Once all proper information is inputted, and all users have gone through the system, you will see a message saying “All rows uploaded successfully”.
All uploaded users are now ready to be activated. The rest of the steps can be carried out as if the user was added manually.
Example of what an upload user spreadsheet should look like.
The easiest way for a customer to be able to upload users properly is to follow the structure of the example spreadsheet that is available to download from the Upload Users page.
The sample spreadsheet does not have any example data inputted. It only contains the headers. Inside of each header cell, there is an inserted note with instruction per column. Those same instructions are described further below.
When creating a spreadsheet of users to upload its important to understand that NO FORMATTING WITHIN THE SPREADSHEET will be accepted into the system. All cells must only contain pure data. Even a formula or note inside of a blank cell will prevent the file from uploading properly.
The example spreadsheet contains headers to let you know where to input specific information. When uploading a user You may upload a file with headers, however; you must check off the “first row has headers” box.
Below are the column names and instructions on how to input information into them. It is important to note that when inputting multiple facilities or categories into the same cell, they MUST be separated by a comma (,).
First name
Last name
The role field is used to choose which rights the user will have.
This role spelling must match exactly the spelling to already existing roles.
You can leave this field empty and assign a “role” at a later time
The department field is used to choose which categories the user will have rights to.
You may give user access to multiple categories (eg; medical, dietary, maintenance), or you may give the user rights to ALL Department (eg; ALL) by entering the word ALL.
Categories entered in this field must match the spelling exactly to the spelling already existing in categories.
This field can NOT be left empty.
The facility field is used to choose which facility the user has rights to.
You may give a user rights to multiple facilities (eg; FacilityOne,FacilityTwo,FacilityThree), or you may give the user rights to ALL facilities (eg; ALL) by entering the word ALL.
Facilities entered in this field must match the spelling exactly to the spelling already existing in Facilities.
This field can NOT be left empty.
The email entered in this field will receive the confirmation/welcome email used to set up the user.
Send email
This field will determine whether a confirmation email is sent out to the new user
Enter YES or NO
Full access
This is used to choose whether the user will have executive rights (ie; rights to everything).
Enter YES or NO
Job title
This field must match the spelling exactly to the spelling of already existing job titles.
If this field is left empty then the job title will default to "other".
When you finish inputting data, make sure to save your spreadsheet as a .CSV (comma delimited) file..