How to use Par Levels
Par levels are used to define a minimum required amount of an item in stock. When creating an order, you may enter the “on-hand” amount (this is the amount you have in stock). once entered, the quantity will auto-fill to ensure the par level is always being met.
Par and On-hand levels need to be enabled in the user right page.
Name of rights:
Can Edit Par Levels
Can View Par Levels
Can View On Hand
Step by Step
Par levels are enabled through the order guides. In order to enable par levels, locate the order guide you wish to enable.
Par levels are set per product. Set the par level under the “Parlevel” column
Once your order guide has been configured with par levels you may proceed to your order.
Create an order as usual. Note: You will not be able to use par levels unless you are using an order guide.
Once you are in the order locate the settings cog icon on the right side of the page. Here you will need to enable the “Par” and “on Hand” columns by clicking the check box.
You can also rearrange the columns by dragging the lines next to the check box
once everything has been configured properly you may enter the “On Hand” amount and the quantity will auto-fill in order to meet the par level.
This will only happen if the on hand amount is less than the par level.