Uploading in On.Care

Uploading in On.Care

Below you will find a walkthrough of how to do an upload in On.Care!

First step is to confirm you have access to do an upload. If you are unsure, please reach out to your administrator or purchasing director for further assistance.


Once you have logged into On.Care, go to the Management dropdown in the navigation bar at the top. From here click Upload price.

From here, click upload file and choose the bid sheet or other file that you would like to upload. Once you have done so, click open within the window explorer.

When doing an upload, you have two options, creating new products and prices in the system, or update existing products. Checking off create products and create prices will be suitable for new items to be uploaded. Checking off update prices and update price details will be suitable for existing items if you only want to change their details. Check off the boxes which are applicable.

Please note, you can only do one of the two options above in a single upload. You will need to separate new items from items to be updated.

Once you have chosen which upload you would like to do, you will now select a vendor to upload to. Select from the dropdown for the vendor that you have chosen.

On the next screen you will map the spreadsheet to the correct item details.

In the screenshot you will see 3 arrows.

  1. This indicates if your spreadsheet has a row for column headers. Toggle this off if you do not.

  2. You can check off whether you would like to include or not include columns in the spreadsheet.

  3. This is where you choose what the column indicates. Match the column to the appropriate field for the item’s details.

Once you have done the above steps, click process to begin the upload.

This next screen will only appear if there are any issues with the upload. Things like duplicate items, items not existing in your system, invalid data, invalid prices, etc. The reason will be displayed on this page on the line of the item with said issues.

You can fix these issues or choose to ignore them depending on what the situation is at the time. If you would like to edit, go ahead and hit the pencil icon to change details. If you would like to ignore, hit the red circle to ignore.

From here you can hit confirm changes to finish the upload.

Once all items have been updates, you will be brought to the final screen.

  1. Download will export a file of the kickouts from this upload.

  2. Send email will email the kickouts file.

  3. Undo will undo the upload that you just completed.

  4. Done will wrap things up and bring you back to the home screen.

After you hit done, you are all set!

If you have any questions regarding uploads, please do not hesitate to reach out to customer support at any time.


or call 914 219 0020

On.Care Support.

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